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CTRL-Q and CTRL-TAB - great features in IE8


Corporate Services
Business Angel
Aug 19, 2009
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I just found this by accident. I never read instruction manuals, and never really care enough to "explore" new features of updated software. Anyhow, I accidently pressed CTRL-Q in Internet Explorer with multiple tabs open.

Pretty cool.

Also, tried CTRL-TAB, kinda cool too. I think I may actually use these.
Is that a trick? Ctrl-Q in FireFox shuts down every window and exits the browser. It's right next to Ctrl-W which shuts down the current window. Idiots :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
Haha had a big laugh- not because of the CTRl-thing, but you are the first person I know still using the Internet Explorer.

Sorry, most people in my surrounding are using firefox.
LoL yes I'm still using IE for some websites....

Is that a trick? Ctrl-Q in FireFox shuts down every window and exits the browser. It's right next to Ctrl-W which shuts down the current window. Idiots
I told you it was only in IE not FireFox :D
Glad that this was for help to someone thumbups
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