Crypto Trader about to move from Germany to Cyprus? Some questions (Dividends in LTD Structure? / Potential return to home country?)


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Jul 7, 2023
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total Newb here. But I tried my best to use the search function )

I was looking into Cyprus as a potential location to settle my business activities and get a tax citizenship.

Main reasons:
  • Cyprus has a double-taxation treaty with germany and they hand me over a tax certification which proofs I paid my taxes there. In case I wanna come back to germany (I heard) it's a big plus as the german Tax Office cannot really suspect that you were trying to dodge taxes by moving out, and demand taxes for the years abroad
  • Only 60 days mandatory to stay in the country. Important for me, as I wanna spend most of the year in South East Asia.
  • Lots of recommendations from friends for it

I digged deeper into it and today had a short conversation with a tax advisor.
He advised me to set up a Limited (LTD) in cyprus and do my crypto trading through the company. He told me to do a 12 month rental in order to get the Non-Dom Status and explained all the milestones in Detail.
He also explained that you are paying 12.5% on your profits (which is fine for me) but there are "tools and options to actually keep it below 10% in the end"... But he didnt explain in detail (as he probably wants me to book a paid advisory hour with him)....

Anyone here has an actual LTD which trades crypto?
If so - whats your experience so far with it?

Can you also pay out dividends (which are 0%+NHS 2.65%?) Or is this something which doesnt work if your company is solely trading Crypto?

Really curious to hear experiences, tipps and tricks and warnings before I do my next step.