Crypto SoF documents

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If you're in a low-or zero tax jurisdiction just pay yourself an advisory comission for any type of service with btc or usdt. Create a conract between you and any UAE company for example (with chatGPT). Make sure the company sends you crypto from any reputable exchange (this way you'll get clean source).

Then send it to any exchange and cashout fiat (Kraken->SEPA).

= clean fiat with SoF.
Reactions: vonudimh and vehzag
If you want to avoid problems, and considering the modest fortune you have, I would recommend setting up a legitimate system where you convert crypto to fiat through proper channels, so you can produce a Source of Funds (SoF) document. I wouldn’t start with a bunch of shady maneuvers!

Unless you can move the funds directly into gold or cash via an intermediary, I wouldn’t risk putting them into a bank account, unless you do it the way I initially suggested.

That said, you can use any Exchange like kraken and binance to transfer the money to a Wise or other crypto friendly EMI and to your bank account.
There are many solutions. Where do you come from ? Switzerland? But if you come to the east you can cash (+-1-max 5% fee) directly for cash, and then deposit the money again with your bank as "savings". However, this war ahead does not work in the Swiss !!! (ex. in Buckarest)
I would do that before I apply for an account there or if you already have an account I would ask them, pretending to be a new customer.
which bank is that? you say usually, implying you tried it in several banks.
i have tried many, and in and out is never enough, especially in a situation like the one of OP, where you don't hold it over the entire period, but do things in-between
Only once a bank asked me for all the trading history. It was Trusted Novus in Gib, but they were so stupid at everything else so I didn't even go forward with the application.

Banks that were fine with only in+out + balance screenshot docs:
Maerki Baumann (CH), MoraBanc (AD), Frick (LI), Turicum (GBZ) + a few others also mentioned on this forum
Reactions: vehzag and OKboomer
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