Crypto Friendly Bank

Just a Pointer, as per the above questions by @shizui04421

as well as similar related questions exist in throves across several threads under various sub forum threads etc.

case in note banks in general aint as cryptofriendly, as licensing,jurisdictional restrictions,crypto tax laws etc.

hamper the outright adoption on crypto processing, crypto trx, crypto auditing, prescise source of funding methodology, and risk free storage in a total legalistic and longterm operational way thats of value to clients and customers Globally.

other than the Quite stable options SEBA,SYGNUM,BANK FRICK as outlined by @PinkCat

users/clients intending to use crypto in all its facets should adopt a two fold process:

1. Physical Bank acct Biz/Personal.
2. Fully Verified Crypto Emi ( same acct holder name as physical bank acct)

1.receivership of fiat into physical bank acct, via physical deposits or external incoming trx..

2.swap or purchase crypto on a verified Crypto Emi, in same name as physical bank via bank card...a few crypto Emis
allow up to 6-10kEuro cash purchase perday to Crypto equivalent purchases via bank card on ramp.

3. Direct Bank Account Link to Crypto Emi option allows for up to 46k €/or currency held equivalent for deposit and swap into crypto on Crypto log-in via signing in your banking details on crypto EMI...(take note only specific highstreet bank accts access this option).

4. P2P methods: wise, Rosbank,BCSbank,Raiffeisenbank,Revolut,Zen,paypal,MG,TCB) ..
Reactions: troubled soul
All Swiss?
Bank Frick is a Liechtenstein one.

And generally, there is a little bit more of crypto-friendly banks in CH and LI. Cite Gestion in CH comes as the first to my mind. (An introducer helps in any case.)
Reactions: jafo
Bank Frick is a Liechtenstein one.
I see. I could swear I walked passed a bank in Zurich that resembles this name. Who knows... I do walk around Zurich a lot.

An introducer helps in any case.)
OK. What am I missing here? Cite Gestion doesn't know me. We can establish this. The introducer doesn't know me either. Now, I pay the introducer CHF5K and all of a sudden he becomes an "expert" on my character? But how?

What am I missing here?
Reactions: vehzag
I see. I could swear I walked passed a bank in Zurich that resembles this name. Who knows... I do walk around Zurich a lot.
Well, they might have a branch in Zürich, I do not recall... And generally, there is a lot of banks in Zürich, almost hard to distinguish
TBMK, it is not working in this way – in CH (and LI), usually.
– Quite often, an introducer does not accept “walk-in” clients (perhaps only exceptionally) but only with some reference from a mutually known person.
– He/she serves as some intermediary between the bank and the client, to relieve both parties from some burden and to ease their situation: he/she knows well what the bank wants to ask and (more importantly ) wants to hear, so he/she can work with the client to elaborate the client's presentation in such a way that this particular bank will be happy – or to seek some another bank that is more expected to onboard the particular client. (Being able to speak both languages, the bank apes' one and the client's one is the essential skill.)
– A CH introducer usually takes his provision from the bank, so he/she does not charge you 5k upfront; sometimes asks for a success fee, sometimes not.

(But this is just my understanding of the situation / what I personally have learned. And it concerns CH /and LI/ only.)

Bottom line: If you need a reference to a CH introducer, feel free to PM me.
Reactions: vehzag and jafo
Ahhh.... this makes perfect sense. Thank you!
Reactions: jafo
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