CRS and FACTA. Which law governs what information they send to jurisdictions at end of year?

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Zwitzerland Lump Sum taxation ? only certain cantons !
Portugal Unusual resident status, RNH for 10 years only, after 10 years, taxes up to 38%

Ok and your point is?

Zwitzerland Lump Sum taxation ? only certain cantons !

There are rumors that more and more cantons will end in the near future with this Lump Sum taxation, or make it increasingly difficult through the requirements.

Our Parliament is politically leftist. Be careful

Portugal Unusual resident status, RNH for 10 years only, after 10 years, taxes up to 38%

Social-political situation in Portugal increasingly complicated. Portugal Parliament also leftist ........
Zwitzerland Lump Sum taxation ? only certain cantons !

Move to Kantons that offer it then. I have lived in 4 Kantons in Switzerland (but not under this tax program) i.e LU,ZG, AG,ZH. Switzerland is all same sh*t wherever you live there.

Social-political situation in Portugal increasingly complicated. Portugal Parliament also leftist ........

So your point is to highlight the political risks of non-dom status. Fair enough, but this can apply to anything in i.e UAE could tomorrow introduce tax as they did VAT and so could Monaco. UK could vote to leave wait a minute....
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and all of europe sucks ....... come the poor and the rich go away
Unfortunately there is nowhere to go. The CRS has f**ked even the trust setups, which predominantly are used by UHNWI. There are no loopholes and there are too few countries where you can live comfortably and pay small taxes. Lump sum options in Europe are not attractive for non-UHNWI
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I am curious, does the second passport from tax free country such as St. Kitts and fake residency in the same place helps for CRS or it's the same with simple residence?

Fake residency will only help against a lazy unequipped government. However when some governments automatically track metadata of all citizens cellphone signals and sometimes inbound and outbound flights it would be tricky. I mean if they come to you and say here is your signal at these cell towers between January and December. Here is a list of calls you made to your wife, accountant, employer etc. Here you are on CCTV walking to supermarket in June 5,6,10 and 25 and again in Aug, Oct and Dec. Do you still argue you are resident of St Kitts? Everything falls apart with fake residency unless the taxman in your home country is lazy or under resourced.
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