Credit Suisse leak unmasks criminals, fraudsters and corrupt politicians

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Credit Suisse Found Guilty of Cocaine Money Laundering​
The hits just keep coming for Credit Suisse:

Mystery bank account may have hidden $1,000,000,000 of stolen n**i cash for 78 years​
It is feared that the dark property may be hidden in one or more accounts in the books of the Swiss bank Credit Suisse.
I repeat again Credit Suisse is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a bank. Their illicit activity goes back decades and continues right up until today. It's not just private banking its their investment banking unit too. Look at the recent fraud, spying and misselling they have been involved with .
They even commit fraud against their own clients. In this case court sided with client and CS owe client in excess of $500m now.
Sadly a fish rots from the head down.
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Credit Suisse Woes Spread to Singapore With $800 Million Trial​
"Credit Suisse Group AG’s legal battle with billionaire client Bidzina Ivanishvili has spread to Singapore as the Georgian gears up for trial with a unit of the Swiss lender over what he claims are $800 million in losses tied to a rogue banker.

Fresh from a big win in Bermuda earlier this year, the former Georgian premier is now suing a different subsidiary of Credit Suisse as part of his campaign to claw back profits frittered away by convicted fraudster Patrice Lescaudron.

Barring a last-minute injunction, the case will go to trial in September in Singapore, threatening fresh negative headlines for Credit Suisse after repeated scandals and the appointment of a third CEO in less than three years.

The claim, part of litigation that began in the Asian city-state five years ago, relates to what Ivanishvili says was the reckless oversight of his fortune by Credit Suisse Trust Ltd. (Singapore). Lescaudron, a former star banker, was convicted of fraud in 2018 for a near decade-long scheme in which he forged signatures to enable unauthorized trades on his clients’ accounts to try and stay ahead of growing losses. Ivanishvili, a former prime minister of Georgia, was by far Lescaudron’s biggest clients with whom Credit Suisse set up investment vehicles in Singapore, Bermuda and New Zealand. "
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