Countries with Digital Nomad Visa

Living Cost of Dubai is High. compare to other , Otherwise It is heaven.
What about gains made trading stocks, forex and futures , CFD’s ?
So for the time you reside there on this VISA you are considered tax resident there ?
your home country where you reside and pay normally your taxes , will accept this ?
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First, it's not really clear what country you are referring to? Dominica? Croatia? Others?

As for whether your home country will accept it - how could anyone possibly comment on this without knowing your home country and your individual circumstances? Each country has different rules!!!
I got Barbados Wellcome Stamp, it was super easy to get it, 3-4 days in total, but I am not sure it was a good decision. I am not allowed to open a company there, I can receive sallary there (and get a personal bank account) which means that I have to stay employed in my home country and pay taxes there (no DTA). No info on whether I will get an actual residence there and ID. It looks more like one year tourist visa. Additionally, Barbados is considered a tax heaven, so any payment to Barbados will be taxed with additional 20% in my home country. To make it even worse, Barbados is currently affected by volcano erruption on Saint Vincent, with disastrous consequences. Its small island, there are doubts on Internet connection quality, hurricane season (European summer) may disconnect you for a full month if unlucky, its expensive as everything is imported and transported by ships, so now I believe it was a bad decision to spend 2.5k euros for getting the wellcome stamp for me and my girlfriend. I will probably go there to try it, but... I do not expect much, especially not to stay for a whole year or renew it.

My info says that around two thousand people got this visa, but I was not able to find online ANYBODY living and working in Barbados with it, to ask for feedback, and some more info...

If I go (at this moment, no earlier than october/november, as volcano ash is everywhere), I'll let you know more about it...
Reactions: Verbatim
So, the lesson is to seek professional guidance before spending thousands of dollars? Thank you for your service.
Sometimes saving Tax cost you a life.
In today's world, So many materials online available, Sometimes We become overconfident, And then Trouble starts.

In my opinion, Monaco and UAE are the only countries worth moving to. Others are very risky.
We do not value things that are easily available to us. Internet, Safety, Water, Police, Food Price are soo good in our home country .So We took it for granted.

Island country looks good in the Picture, The reality is different.

I think some Honest Digital Nomad should make a youtube Video on "expectation vs reality" Island life. It will be fun.
Reactions: Surgeon
would you include Malta in the island countries that are not worth moving to?