Choice Bank of Belize faces liquidity problems

I don't know who exactly is worse... Choice Bank or Central Bank...!?

Honestly who do you think that it's better for us and why?

Why in the firstplace didn't Choice Bank let us withdraw from 5k daily to...lets say 500$ daily...ten times smaller the amount that we used to had acces!

So in this way they were having the necessary time to resolve their issues with everyone, without creating chaos with it's depositors and less noise to the Central Banks "ears"....
And everyone would've lived happily ever after!

But no!
Let's f**k their lifes!
They deserve this!
Because we can... and maybe we can steal these fellas some money!
We are just millionaires, and we live for 200years and we need to become billionaires...

s**t nightmare that keeps going and going...

Good night...
Consider urself lucky. You ve missed out on 3 months of hell. There is nothing you can do now. I say are lucky.

But i was paying this card week ago i could get all the money from ATM if I would know. Firstchoice pay support said they sent me couple of emails that I should spend money before 30th June but I didn’t get even one of them...
No News here too...still waiting on their response . If I don't hear anything from them I will not wait till the end of the year....I'll just get legal help and fly out down there to claim for what's mine. This is disaster least tell the people what is going with their money.
It's bank........ not a brain surgery . If they continue keeping it quiet like this for a very long time it's a bad sign . Bad for them and bad for us.
hello.i have same problem with firstchoisebank.where i can write and ask about money maybe whos know?cjoise not answer me(

the site of Choice Bank is not the one you say there... on the choice bank's site it says that site is a scammer and they do pishing, so don't contact them.

How could you don't know anything all these monthes? Didn't you need the money? Till june 30th we could withdraw and use with the card 10K but all the people who had more than 10K had the difference locked there. When they said they were going to pay us, the central bank entered and took the total control, now we are at the beginning again.

I research about Belize's banks and they have a great reputation because the Central Bank makes them have a great minimun liquidity, too much more than in other countries. It's one of the main offshore banks country, I don't think they would do something for lose their reputation, they live thanks of the banks money, if this problem becomes popular nobody would leave the money there because it isn't safe then.

I think they will pay us soon. Lets be positive

Oh yes thank you for being positive I am gonna to start thinking positive too, that’s all we have. I wonder How many people are in the same situation?
Hi everyone!
I was in touch with Choice Bank's support last month . I sent all the papers they required for wire transfer into my bank account to Kendra Garbutt, she told me the transfer will take about 1 week,and since then(23 June) I have no news. She doesn't answer to my emails anymore and none of Choice Bank emails I don't get answer from..
I found on their website this information "The Central Bank appointed a liquidator. As such, all the rights, powers, responsibilities and authorisations of shareholders, directors, officers responsible for management of Choice Bank Limited and any other person previously authorised to act or give instructions on behalf of Choice Bank Limited are terminated with effect from 29 June 2018."
My curiosity is.. they really wanted to transfer the money.. and they stopped? ...
Thank you for reading :*
This seems like FBME all over again
Can you believe that noone from Central Bank or the liquidator himself never respond?!

I mailed them daily but I got only one general reply one week ago... since then absolutely nothing!

Corrupt country with a corrupt system!

We need to gather more and make some noise in that country!

It is our money and only if we are stupid we will accept to loose it all...

Let s not be stupid... ok?!
I managed to contact a lawyer from Belize via email. I got a reply from her saying that she's been dealing with the Choice bank situation for the last couple of months and that she has sued the bank on behalf of her client with the hope that a Court order will force a payout. I am trying to set up a teleconferrence with her to get more details and will let you know how it went.
I'm calling the bank tomorrow again. Last week when I spoke with Central Bank first then with new representative of Choice Bank they promised to contact me back and to send me a form to fill out ... of course I din't hear anything back since then .
All I know is that if they don't respond or give me my money .. I'm not only going to take them to court but 'll spread the info about the entire situation all over the internet to people.... so they all know not to do any business with Belize banks or waste their money going there.
Reactions: Claudia

Please let us know if you find out anything new.