Choice Bank of Belize faces liquidity problems

I think they will resend after all transfers are made. Thats what I would do. Gather them all and resend at the end.
if you didn t make it right with your bank it s your fault. You knew they were coming for months.You should speak with your bank first, then with the liquidator.
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He either skips taxes or he s afraid of what they might think. If it s the second, please don t stress yourself. You are just another client from the adult industry. They care less about what you do as long as you didnt do anything illegal like stealing, drugs or terrorism.
Reactions: cyprusbanker
if you have nothing to hide it may be okay or don't you think so?
I agree..
That's true but some banks and in this case the receiver bank may refuse to receive the funds if it is marked at any point as Adult BIZ !
I see 125K views and 950 replies to this thread, many have big trouble to get the money out of the curator.

Today I got informed by a business partner he has received all his money. When I asked him to send me proof he went into silence and don't talked back to me. Has someone got all money back now?
I just asked. Tell your story and they will either keep or reject you. Have your documents with you. I don t understand why you didn t try that, just seems odd .You can visit 3 banks in an hour. Were you going to wait for answers from stangers online? I don t think your taxes are paid , and if they are what are you waiting for? go to the bank and ask. They can t hurt you or take your money...
do me a fav and don t reply to me anymore! u just give ur opinion about my taxes? is a forum for help! i notice u have weird answers for many people here!and yes my taxes are payed,payed for money i didnt even received afterall! was a simple question!thnk before u answer to someone,how to ask for money i didn t payed taxes? how to explain to bank if i receive that those money are legal if i didnt have all documents! so pls mind ur business axe and don t bother me please!if i wanted ur agressive opinion about my money and taxes i would have asked u like this!
and for the record yea i did,because of an error money returned to choice bank liquidator afterall,and resend them theese days! but as many romanian people here we ask what bank is willing to receive these money because is Romania! and we all know romanian banks are not all willing to receive money coming from belize!btw u didn t even answered afterall wich bank was! so mind ur own business regarding my money for future!
Did anyone received their money for real or this is another government scam?

I personally didn't receive anything just going back and forward with emails with the liquidation team and they claimed failed attempt to wire my funds. It has been almost 3 years and after I provided them with all the Information they needed they stopped responding to my emails and nobody is picking their phone line!!! Wtf is this..........

I can imagine and understand your frustration! I can just assure you that it's not at all a government scam; I received a total amount of more than 80% of my claim. Just make sure that you have provided all the information and supporting documents requested by the Liquidator and that your bank will understand the origin and legitimacy of the funds transferred to your account. From the contents of this thread, I know it has been a problem for some of Choice Bank customers
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