Choice Bank of Belize faces liquidity problems

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But u understand when they wil pay this distribution, bcs I didn't found this information on that file ?? Ty for be always kind and found informations

19. When should we expect payment?

The Liquidator proposes to make an interim (partial) payment to depositors and other creditors in or about April, 2019, subject to the approval of the Central Bank.
It says there that we are the 9th, somehow they included us with the banks depositors which is excellent news.
There is more info on their website.
Seems like the hell is over and we have a great result. Never expected that choice had so much money. All the numbers are estimated so you know, but i don t think it will vary much.
53% is a dream!!!! Remember when we had the 70% offer and we all got furious?) At this time, after all we ve been s a dream.
Sorry to tell but Belize its easy country for setup financial company, if you check requirements its 50 000Dollars capital, and several thousands fee each year its nothing, i can open too financial company in Belize.

You must be careful because if i want to be not honest i just setup a financial company there take a lot of deposit with fake promess of high interest and desapear.
No seriously its risky to deposit large sums there, you must use this accounts like transit only, not for keep it.
We know that now) would have been a great advice before this, but its good now as well. Maybe someone will browse right in here searching for infos.
We know that now) would have been a great advice before this, but its good now as well. Maybe someone will browse right in here searching for infos.
I gave same advise for cyprus in another Forum, not a lot of people take me serious, several months after cyprus crash, it was the time where greece had financial problems.

It concern all banks in Belize to my mind, if you target small island choose mauritius branch of international bank or own by foreign investors in US or EU.
Or choose cayman islands, why choose Belize ? i do not understand personally
Can you please show us what email they sent you when they asked for bank details ?

how much they wanted to charge you ? if is small amount maybe was just a "test" .
Maybe they want to send us money soon . Last email i received was the one with " your claim was accepted in full". c

FWIW balance in my account was around USD100 and Returned Item Fee of $34 was charged. Asked bank to research if the attempted withdrawal was made by check or electronic.