Choice Bank of Belize faces liquidity problems

There is still time. It s thr 28th in belize.
We didn t get it either. Claim form 2...there is a chance you get all your money back. They pay in full all the lawsuits, debts, liquidator fees then they start paying in full 1st group, maybe 2nd group...and the 4th there are no money left)). Your lucky man.
Way better. You are the second in line, we are the last. Money is still money and all depositors are the same..but what the hell, life isnt fair.
Now i read on ambercutie this, so relax. They are late with emails.

I just spoke with a representative from the liquidators office. The emails to the cardholders will be sent out this week and next week. So not everyone will receive an email by tomorrow.

#3941Today at 11:48 AM
Hei dude don't make false hopes! She is speaking just by rumours and thoughts... It's a big possibility that everyone will have same treatment and just a small possibility that it's about the number of the claim!

And when I say "she" I am saying because it's obvious she is a she just from the way she writes...

@Axe you really need a brake, try to find something that makes you happy and creates you a bubble of hope with true feelings!
The need of money (even if it's yours; I am in your shoes already so don't judge back) it's a dreadfull feeling that just makes you wanna die or go nuts!

So in conclussion, think positive, share here what we have from them without assumpting that one will get 110% and another will get cock!
Btw it's like kindergarden to think that no.1 full, no.2 70%, no.3 50%, no.4 20%... I believe that if they had created this criteria it wouldn't be so damn obvious for each idiot to take conclussion and think that if he is 1st that's just fine, he will get it all back!
Just think about it!

Or maybe I am wrong and for real they are monkeys and they threat us like bananas: peel the skin off and eat us little by little until we are left with and in the void
I dont understand..i am wrong giving him hopes but i am also guilty if i am being negative thinking...make up your mind whats bad or not. You are just angry that ur the 4th.
Lol it s the law. That is the order they pay)) The information you can find online .
Ask if you don t believe me.
I never told him a percent, it s all about how much money they have. If there isnt much of couse he won t be getting much.BUT there is a difference in groups!!
And I am not speaking on rumours, i paid highly rated lawyers...something that you didn t do. And i rest my case with the last sentence perdiod.
And don t act like we don t know eachother cause we do mister.I discussed the groups with you before there were any groups. Some have advantages.
He s higher than us and that is the fact .Good for him.
You have a problem with that?
Got the email last night. Attaching a part of the act. Maybe some didn t read it by now.

(2) The following unsecured claims have priority
against the general assets of a licensee being compulsorily
wound-up under this Act, namely:-
(a) firstly, credits extended to the licensee by the
Central Bank until the appointment of the
(b) secondly, credits extended to the licensee prior to
the appointment of the liquidator and under
collateral whose object are the licensee’s assets
and to the extent of such collateral;
(c) thirdly, the necessary and reasonable expenses
incurred by the statutory administrator or
liquidator, including professional fees in carrying
out its functions under this Act;
(d) fourthly, the wages and salaries of the officers and
employees of the licensee (whether or not earned
wholly or in any part by way of commission)
including any amount payable by way of allowance
or reimbursement under any contract of
employment or award or agreement regulating
conditions of employment, that accrued during
the three months immediately preceding the
appointment of a statutory administrator or
liquidator under this Act, provided that such
amount does not exceed five thousand dollars;
(e) fifthly, all deposits in amounts not exceeding five
thousand dollars per depositor, respectively;
(f) sixthly, all taxes due and other imports owing to
the Government of Belize;
(g) seventhly, the fees, debts and assessments owing
to the Central Bank of Belize;
(h) eighthly, credits extended to the licensee after the
appointment of the liquidator;
(i) ninthly, all other deposits;
(j) tenthly, all other unsecured claims of creditors;
(k) eleventhly, subordinated debt.
The Liquidator has allowed your claim in full. - unsecured creditor .
So at 1 march they will start to pay some of us ?

let s stay positive . i want this ended . Even if i get 25 % back is ok . I just want to stop to think about it ..
Of course i want all my money back but we all know this is impossible .
It is the category, its just numbered cause they numbered them. We just say the number cause it s easyer.Thats what i ve been saying. That some categories are prioritized.
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