Choice Bank of Belize faces liquidity problems

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I am not a fucking kid!

But if the sittuation was vice-versa even for 1000$ they would've want me in jail or sell my house and s**t!
But if they have 50-100k from me it's just okay "the procedure" "the investments" ... i don't fucking care!

It's my money, not theirs so give me my fucking funds back Belize...
350k people in a lost country in the middle of nowere...
And I was fucking counting on Payoneer when I left my funds there, not on Cocos-Bananas and Passion Fruit country!

Go kill some tourists Belize and robb people that have money there!
We agree to it. The bank having bigger power than you do. You make a business choice when dealing with banks.Bankruptcy and liquidation is a risk we have to take forced by the industry.
Vice versa...if you have no money left and you fail for bankruptcy also, the bank cannot touch you.
You dont see the bigger picture here.
We are not the only people who lost money due to this. DID THEY HAVE ANY RIGHTS?
They did ,like we do. Getting a certain percent of what is left ,after the funds got distributed in a legal way.
I didn t know back then, but lesson learned. NEVER SAID YOU ARE STUPID. I never meant any disrespect.Just said it seems that you didnt have much injustice in your life.
Just google ,, who gets paid first in a liquidation" or liquidation process or have your lawyer look into the liquidation scheme in belize. There are other laws that protect the employees for example.
If there isn t enough left, there isn t.
I m sorry but haven t met anyone yet who accepted that we re not gurus in this business . It s all new to us, we can t know everything.Take some money out of your pockets and pay someone that knows and it s in this business.
After that, we confrunt the information we got and get an ideea that is closer to the truth than our assumptions.
Let s argue on those facts,what you ve been told not what you think or imagine.
Let s be productive.
If the choice s original plan was true and the liquidation stops it might be good for all of us.Don t know if they are asking for the liquidation to stop, i knew only damages are being asked .
Maybe because the associates and stock holders are the last ones and they know that they ll get nothing?)
That info isn t confirmed about the associates, i only read this online, just so you know.



Shareholders are the final group to be paid. Because they have taken a business risk in providing money to the company, they are not entitled to a distribution until all other creditor groups have been paid.

Each class of creditor must be paid in full before the liquidator can distribute funds to the next group. It’s important to maximise the interests of creditors once you enter insolvency, otherwise you may be open to accusations of wrongful or unlawful trading.
the thing is you can't contact payoneer unless you have an account there, it's like you've never had an account with them.
I think that the term creditor is used for everyone that has money there!
You give your money to them, you become a creditor of the bank...

@Elian i have in my FCP account messages from 2 years ago from them with the title "Payoneer message"...

Payoneer is just the biggest prepaid Scam that ever existed!
This company should just be shut off!
They destroyed thousands of people lifes without giving a f**k!

My main concern is why are they clean after this?
How is this even possible in the 21th century, it's 2018 for God's sake... why noone from their company got into a jail?
How can you tell thousands of people to withdraw their funds(Payoneer standard clients) from that bank but leave there your ex-clients...actually not ex-clients...just same kind of clients with same platform, on the same bank just the "red" details were blue and "payoneer" name was "firstchoicepay"....even the customer care assistance were the same from "both" (same) companies!

Please call now on the Firstchoicepay phone no.and you will see that they will tell you "hello, welcome to this is Payoneer, we don't work with FirstchoicePay, that is a different company and this is and was our phone no."

Payoneer go fuckyourself and take your CEOs and just burn you fucking heartless, soulless pigs!
choice bank should already have all these detail, nobody will be able to find out when they first opened their accounts unless they ask the bank...which doesn't exist anymore. I doubt that the liquidator will give you that kind of information now, they might use this as an excuse not to pay us back our money.
you guys .......didn't you read what I said. If you have account with firstchoice you can log into ur account and contact support. If u ask them they will provide you with the general info, account type ur holding and date since ur account has been opened .