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Bypassing capital control


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Hello everyone, I was so thrilled to discover this forum, as I have only been using my own network and experience to navigate taxes and legal structures on my own.
Quick intro: I used to have a small crypto fund back in 2018 and this was how I learned about various offshore options and practices. However, I decided to shut it down as it was increasingly difficult to operate without an EU license. Since then, I have been operating a boring and straightforward energy advisory business out of Cyprus, nothing high risk, and happy to share my experience starting a business and residing in Cyprus ( I am EU citizen).
My experience with banks: I have various bank accounts open in France, NL etc but I am mostly using Revolut now. I had Bunq close my account because I was using my account in "unexpected manner" ( I still don't understand the reason) and my experience with "crypto friendly" banks has been typically very painful (like with Wirex) as they keep asking about the origin of most transactions, as well as blocking my account when I am withdrawing cash from a "high risk country" (i.e as a tourist in the rest of the world) . My conclusion has been that signing up to a crypto friendly bank is basically telling them by defintion " I am a very high risk client and you risk to loose your license so please ask me as many questions as possible to cover your a*s"
What I am struggling with right now: As I said my revenue is 100% coming from clear and low risk sources (consulting with listed western companies..). However, I recently got an inheritance. Good news right? Yes but it is not in hard currency, it is basically a lot of local currency cash stuck in a bank/country with strict capital controls. For those unfamiliar with this issue, it is basically impossible to convert the bank balance into any hard currency (usd, eur etc) as an individual. Maybe you are allowed to convert 10k usd a year and there is no authorized crypto exchnage. I am trying to convert around 300k USD! The options I found for now are: 1) going through (illegal) crypto P2P exchange in cash 2) going through (illegal) black market broker in CASH who can convert it and send me the equivalent in AED to my bank account. I am trying to figure out the conversion part but my question is where to send that crypto/fiat once it is converted into USD or AED. The bank will ask me about the orgin, which I can justify (inheritance) but it is hard to trace as the transfer to the broker or to the P2P is done in cash. Also option 2 means I will get the amount from a random dude in Dubai that is part of the brokerage network. I doubt whether my bank will be thrilled to learn about my scheme. Although, as I said, most people in Africa , Asia (china, vitenam etc) and Latin America (Argentina etc) deal with these kind of capital controls to a smaller or larger extent.
Big apologies for the long message and curious to hear your views/warning/solutions :-)
Thanks a lot!
Start by exploring all possible legal avenues for converting sums, whether there's a way to get a license/permission for a one-off large transaction or what you can do within standard allowances.

However, failing that... If you have a way of getting the money out in AED and if you have a good personal relationship with a bank in UAE, there's your path. But it's best if you establish residence in UAE first. AED is a pretty good currency. Freely convertible and pegged to the USD.

Can you buy for example gold with the money, transfer the gold to Dubai, and convert it to AED there with an exchanger?
Thank you Sols for your pompt response and your help. Unfortunately, there is no legal way even if I am not resident and I have "legit" rationale to transfer the money out of the country. Basically, if the origin is local, it stays local. So for now, the most likely ways is to convert it into i) crypto --> how to justify 300k in crypto to the bank? I am reading up the forum now and I see names like Bankera but the limit is 5k per month ii) fiat in AED, but in that case, there is a chance I get money from Tony Soprano haha as it will be an individual not a company sending me the AED fiat. I am just worried about getting the fiat from a high risk dude, and with the issue of justifying it (same issue as with (i) )
i) crypto --> how to justify 300k in crypto to the bank?
It's pretty easy. Show them it's an inheritance (along with all documents) and say you decided to transfer it via crypto due to difficulties with the local currencies. This is probably your most legitimate channel of the ones presented here.
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Thank you. Indeed, that's what I decide to do: I have initiated an excel file with transaction IDs of the P2P crypto transaction so everything is "documented". A question I have and I know the answer cannot be straightforward: should I do this with a "crypto frienldy" EMI or they are actually more annoying (I had a very painful experience with Wirex, they are more annoying than the typical bank out there..)