Buy Real Estate Cash.

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Reactions: Almouk
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Hey there,
You can buy any kind of property in cash here in TURKEY.
No need for a wire transfer.

hi ,thanks for ur answer.... do you know if this is common in turkey? is it something people do or is it just theretically possible?
i belive that , close to EU, turkey would be one of the most cash friendly countries there is honestly.
You can buy both commercial & residential real estate in UAE & in Manila with Cash or Crypto. You just need the right Real Estate Brokerage to handle the transaction for you. I can say this with confidence as have done this myself. I guess this is technically possible any where as long as you can find a reputed Real Estate Agency that is motivated enough to go for it!
hi ,thanks for ur answer.... do you know if this is common in turkey? is it something people do or is it just theretically possible?
i belive that , close to EU, turkey would be one of the most cash friendly countries there is honestly.
This is quite normal in Turkey.
You can pay via bank or in cash.There are no legal requirements to make the payment via bank.
It is a normal procedure to pay in cash.
Reactions: Almouk
Each country has it particular rules. For exemple in Spain you can't pay nothing in cash for more than 2000€/transaction. Other particularity: you can't go on the street with more than 100.000€. You need to informe Hacienda that your will move with bigger amount. Evidently they will ask you why do you want to move on the street with such amount and for what purpose. If you are stoped by a routinal police control on the road, (thingt very easy to find), they can confiscated you all the amount if you exceed in 10% of the amount. No matter if you bring 110 or 150K. They will confiscate all. In addition, they can put you a penality of 50% of the amount not declared. And if they consider that you was hiding the money the penality can be 100% of the amount. The minimal penality planned is 600€. In Spain it can be very painful moving with big amount of cash. Evidently to cross the border with other country is max 10.000€. But...., some lawyers advice you that is better 9999€.
Reactions: KJK
Wow that is harsh. I thought one of the pillars of the EU was free movement of On closer inspection it seems they tricked everyone with that lie when you look at the meaning for citizens .

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Free movement of capital is one of the key elements in the EU single market, and is enshrined in the Treaty of Maastricht. With the entry into force of this treaty in 1994 all restrictions on capital movements and payments across borders were prohibited.

The aim of liberalisation is to enable integrated, open, and efficient European financial markets.

For European citizens, free movement of capital means the ability to carry out many transactions, such as

  • opening bank accounts abroad
  • buying shares in non-domestic companies
  • investing where the best return is
  • purchasing real estate in another country
For companies, it means being able to

  • invest in, and own, other European companies
  • raise money where it is cheapest
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Wow that is harsh. I thought one of the pillars of the EU was free movement of On closer
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Look Martin, I also thought years ago that Papa Noel and Santa Klaus were the ones carrying Christmas presents. The only pillars of the EU are those that feed thousands of inept and technocrats that feed on cretins who believe in the famous pillars of freedom capitals movement and freedom and etc.
Worst of all, there are people who believe it.
In the case I have explained above as you can well deduce, the EU does not prohibit the circulation of capital. But it forces you to inform. Theoretically you are free to move your capital but as long as your government knows what you are doing, and can control you and ask for explanations. You will must to give all the explanation that they will know about you. Well, but you are free. If you want to be optimist, you can consider taht you have the best liberty on the world. Also a prisoner can move freely inside his cell. No-ones doubt that.
If you really start to believe the precepts of the EU, you will finish to believe in Santa Claus.
In EU nothing is credible
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Theoretically you are free to move your capital but as long as your government knows what you are doing, and can control you and ask for explanations.

But that's not freedom at all . That's a text book totalitarian regime. What could the EU possibly offer that is so great that someone would choose this for themselves? I suppose jobs and good standard of living. However they want to know every asset you have, and with AMLD5 which has started, even whether you hold a safety deposit box. After what happened the the Jews in n**i Germany this is a very dangerous situation as history WILL repeat itself with confiscation of assets - laugh now and cry tomorrow sadly .

EU is great for those who don't care about personal freedom or have not much. Which tends to be the similar group....
Reactions: Hegemon
You are totaly right Martin. Europe is a fake liberty. If you want other exemple you can read on the following links that in France 2 weeks ago the practicaly totality of the Assamblée National was voting favoraby to disasocy the wall of the land in the real estate matter. It mean that the land owner it will the state and you only will be the wall owner. The government will rent you the land for 40/99 years. Europe will be so in few years. It will be worst than urss. Immobilier: l’Assemblée nationale réforme le droit de propriété
I will add on to this.
1. Privacy rights are being eroded. the gov't wants to know every asset you have, so they can figure out how to tax (take) it later.
2. These are not effective against the wealthy, who can just keep their assets out of reach and eventually just walk away from whatever their legitimate liabilities are.
3. Your information is not safe with government because when you are sued, the person suing you can pull all the government files on you from the tax authorities with subpoenas. Most judges are ex-prosecutors or litigators who will give every advantage to obtain evidence to the moving party (person doing the lawsuit). The effect of this is there is no privacy once you report to gov't.

For example, we want private companies so we can not get sued by fakers claiming they have a $5 million lawsuit for burning themselves on coffee or slipping on a dry floor. You cannot protect yourself, once your information is out there to government due to government must disclose and make available all its information because it is owned by the public. Add on the right of the moving party to obtain evidence to prove their case. It just means no real chance to defend yourself if you are honest.
Reactions: Martin Everson
One of the reasons precisely of the HK protests is to keep the financial freedoms of the city. Most of the new AML regulations were applied because pressures from China
You can still buy property for cash in 24 of the 28 EU member states, and in virtually every other country of the world.

The solution to buying ~500K EUR condos for cash, even if prohibitions are in place, is to buy off-plan property (also known as an option to purchase). If the development is projected to complete in 5 years from the date of signature, you have 240 weeks to pay off the total amount in legal increments of 2000 EUR per week. No laws broken.

Especially in the western EU, developers would be eager to accept such payment terms; their risks originating from the undocumented, yet still very popular eastern EU slaves (slavs*), will reduce significantly. They can just pass on your dirty cash as untaxed salary to one of the slavs, not leaving behind the trace of a suspicious cash withdrawal.
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