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Buy an offshore company

May I ask what sort of offshore companies you are interest to buy? Here I don't mean the jurisdiction as you already answered that in your initial threat but I would like to know if you are looking for dormant companies too or what activity specific the companies may need to have?
I am willing to consider any proposals from the newly registered companies to companies for several years been actively involved in offshore schemes, of course, if these schemes were not illegal in terms of the EU. Business category is not critical. Would be interesting to the company having a brokerage license, or an offshore banking license.
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I am willing to consider any proposals from the newly registered companies to companies for several years been actively involved in offshore schemes
Please apologize my ignorance, but I don't get it yet, do you mean "offshore schemes" in the sentences to Oil drilling or what do you mean?
Dmitriy said:
Illegal offshore scheme - this means tax evasion as part of using an offshore company or several companies are prohibited by the legislation of the country, in this case, the EU legislation.
Thank you for clarification. I just wanted to be sure ;)
Do you still need some dormant companies?