Bunq V3 Mobile update sucks - Worst mobile banking User Interface of 2020

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Look at the twitter account of these arrogant pricks running Bunq. Bunq loyalists won't be silenced or lied too by Bunq...lol. Bunq is in denial phase at moment that there is a serious problem with this release.

I look at how I used to be able to view all my 5 cards and cry at the new V3 view of cards . It's literally like a child designed it compared to how the old one looked in V2 with actual pictures of cards and ability to scroll back and forth and freeze and unfreeze cards.

I hope Bunq sees this thread.

Bunq CEO - Ali Niknam if you are seeing this thread after a google search. You really screwed up the whole V3 release joker...lol. You literally damaged your whole brand and customer trust in one release overnight. Look at the feedback on twitter, trust pilot, google play store or apple store and your own internal Together forum. You can't censor the internet sites to massage your damaged fragile ego so......

P.S Also Ali it's not good to be out there doing interviews for dutch sites saying that some users are not used to change...lol. What a way to have contempt for customers legitimate complaints about V3 .
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For me too, Bunq has always been my preferred online bank with the management of multiple IBAN accounts and the possibility of associating the same card with different accounts. FX with 0% commission for my trips. Bunq has long been my best option for managing my day-to-day finances. If they could offer accounts in other currencies account like Revolut or TW, it would be the perfect bank.

Since the Green Card was released, I found the metal plan a mockery and just ignored that product, continuing to use Bunq premium happily. I also do not understand why so much focus on planting trees for a banking institution: -).

Regarding the V3 version, you are going to say that I am crazy, but when I read the first comments, I was expecting a catastrophic update, but when I connected for the first time it did not seem as bad as I expected. For my point of view, all the functions remain basically the same and for me it is the important thing. It is not for a new design that I will decide to abandon Bunq because it is a product that currently does not exist anywhere else.

The new Revolut update also received a lot of criticism. I believe that we get used to it and that by default we do not like changes when we have our customs and routines, but we must give them the opportunity and I believe that the V3 version will improve later.

It is true that the design of the cards section is very poor now, hopefully they will do something similar to Icard (a design that I really like) later, and it is also true that the second section "US" is of absolutely no use.

But for me as I said before, the important thing is that all the functions that I use in Bunq remain the same. Hopefully this improves.

On the other hand and the most problematic is to censor critics of the users and that they do not listen to the opinion of their clients. This is most disturbing.
Reactions: Martin Everson
Very valid points you raise Elve.

As a premium customer also Bunq is not worth paying 7.99 a month for today. Sorry but it simple isnt. Revolut is free btw and bunq cost 799% more than Revolut each month with 1% of the services Revolut provides today....lol and I am no Revolut fan as you know.

My major concern is not simply the V3 update as that hopefully will be eventually fixed. My concern is the failure of Bunq to admit, own and apologise to what is happening. But instead they resort to heavily censoring and banning users including myself from constructive criticism on their forum. Like I said simply read feedback on Google Play store, Twitter, TrustPilot etc or hang out in the Bunq Together Forum for more than 5 minutes and watch in realtime the new posts and the V3 criticism they post before posts are hidden within minutes and the posters blocked from posting again in the forum by the admins. That's how they treat customers who have now taken to other social media sites to voice their legitimate concerns not just about the app but about bunq's censorship of their opinions within their forum. Bunq "the bank of the free" does not believe in free speech how ironic

Bunq is simply not the bank it was when I joined years ago. It has slowly degraded and not improved in every aspect.

Time will tell if things change. But I will not pay another months fee and will not keep any money with them any longer. A bank that integrates an Instagram feed into the banking app and cares more for trees than customer feedback can't be taken seriously.
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why update at all? previous version works great as usual

Because bunq is not making money and they need to to turn mobile app into one giant marketing and upselling tool. In banking when things like this happen move your money same day and dont wait. Then look back and see if problem is later fixed. Never be last out the door.

Check out Bunq CEO article below. Its in Dutch so you need to translate it. He is in denial about V3 and seems to think issue is with customers with statements such as - it takes time for users to get used to it.

They closed my account because I was "using it too actively"... Funny, there was nothing suspicious, no weird transactions, I was just actively using it for transfers and one day a notification appeared in the app saying they don't like that and my account will be closed.
after talking to the support countless times they said my geo location doesn't say im in UAE, wow really? It was fucking christmas and nye.
This is another big red NO for me. I am definitely NOT going to allow a banking app access to my details such as location, phone log or files.

I had similar experience recently with another bank, they rolled out a new mandatory update - to confirm mobile transfers you must download additional app (so you have the banking app itself and their "key" app), their key app asks for access to my location, my phone log, my files and the phone's fucking gyroscope. If you deny that, the app will crash, reload and ask for it again.

I will happily pay for a bank that will not spy on my location, will not ask me to plans trees or decrease my carbon footprint and won't close my account because I am actually using it.
I don't know if any Bunq customers bother to read Bunq's financial statement. But this startup bank is in trouble and is a basket case. It almost went under in 2018. They made a loss 11m euros in 2018 and shareholder had to inject 10m euros in capital to keep bank going otherwise it would be gone with its liabilities exceeding its assets and a weak capital position. Bunq had 211m in deposits in 2018 btw.

The problem with Bunq is that it is nothing more than a single currency EMI with a banking license and a previously nice interface. Bunq is simply an EMI in reality and EMI's are intrinsically unprofitable. You don't make money running an EMI. Ask Revolut who have evolved their offering to stock trading, travel insurance, gold etc. Even Transferwise now focuses on offering institutions forex services which funny enough includes Bunq.

With this being said. We don't know Bunq's 2019 figures which would give a better picture of its financial position. One can assume its deposits have increased from 211m to over 400m euros in 2019 and hence its liabilities have increased but I don't see how its assets could have increased as they don't make much loans. This brings me to to why bunq has introduced different pricing, is trying to upsell customers and is desperate to push high value cards and green tree BS. Bunq needs to make money by any means and urgently. It needs to sell high margin items behind pretense of being some sort of eco warrior bank. When in true fact they are chasing a new affluent conscience user base. They are simply not interested in 7.99 a month customers or freeloading Travel Card users. They need those clients willing to pay more plus they will have to start building a loan book to generate assets on their balance sheet or the bank will keep burning cash in its startup phase until it is out of business.

To make matters worse it is clear to me by the design of the new V3 mobile app that it cannot possibly be by all of the same developers who did V2. The coding seemed to be done by people not 100% aware of the functionality of the previous version or simply not as good at interface design. A bit like bringing in an electrician to rewire some of your home but he is not 100% sure of how it was all setup and why it was all setup a certain way in first place, so decides to rewire your whole home and buggers it all up. The ergonomics, feel, bugs of the new app show some sort of amateur attempt. Plus CEO Ali Niknam is a micro manager who does not pay his staff well at all .

Anyway I will wait for Bunq's 2019 figures which should come out next month I believe. In meantime my money is gone from Bunq and I am just here for the schadenfreude

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I was pretty shocked when the V3 update came, most notorious by the buggy cards section, which vanished with all my virtual cards.

A bit after, I started to accept better the new accounts section; however, there are no excuses for such a wrong move. I strongly agree with Martin, how concerning it's how they managed the crisis.

I saw their annual report time ago, and thought startups need traction; if they kept the good work, I would voluntarily spend more than "premium" to support their operation.

Summing-up, my trust with them dissolved; I will keep the account, but split the assets, and watch the situation for a moment.
Reactions: Martin Everson
„Bank of the Censorship“ – Kunden-Aufstand bei Bunq | FinanceFWD

(English Translation)


"Bank of the Censorship" - customer uprising at Bunq

The banking startup Bunq is actually known for its close contact with its own customers. Now there are allegations that the company is deleting critical contributions. The community is upset.

Bunq wanted to do everything right: Together - that's the name of the company's forum, which offers a banking app with a credit card. "Together", users from the Bunq community should discuss which feature they would like to see next, but also what is going wrong. When the startup presents a new app version, it stages the Dutch fintech as an event. The company does not communicate how many customers Bunq has, according to the estimation tool Priori Data, the app has a total of around 1.6 million downloads. Since its launch in 2015, the smartphone bank has been a company that binds its users particularly closely - and the search for contacts has been well received by customers in the past.

This affects not only the Together forum, but also posts on Reddit . Bunq employees are also said to have removed critical posts from the social network. Until other moderators who do not work for the company intervened. The former fans express their disappointment through various channels such as Facebook, Reddit and in a telegram group - and are considering changing banks. It is a lesson in how a fintech with many fans is squandering its lead.

An app update as a point of contention
Bunq - which has 1.6 million downloads - had announced the app update big, the expectations of the community were correspondingly high. V3, the third version, was officially launched at the end of May. A handful of particularly interested customers can test the beta version, Finance Forward has also been given access. But the feedback from the community was critical. Above all, a technical detail excited the minds: In the beta version, the company integrates the Instagram feed from Bunq. This not only disrupted optically, but also violated the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), wrote a user. By integrating the social network, the group receives user data behind it - without the corresponding consent of Bunq customers.

Leipzig IT lawyer Peter Hense also shares this assessment. The integration of Instagram enables Facebook to link the data collected about Bunq users with their own data. "Since Facebook also provides data for third-party credit checks, this is a very bad situation for those affected and a wake-up call for the authorities to ensure that the bank maintains orderly data protection laws," says Hense. Bunq claims, however, that the Instagram integration is legal . "Bunq always adheres to all rules and regulations, and the Instagram function will be no different," said a spokesman when asked by Finance Forward.

Since the new version of the app is still in beta, users had expected Bunq to respond to the inquiries and criticism, as in the past. But in the company's forum, corresponding discussions on Instagram were deleted instead, screenshots are available for Finance Forward. Two contributions were particularly popular - and can no longer be found.

"We want to make for a fun and safe place"
The community didn't give up. In the forum, they asked the startup about the deleted articles. These questions were also deleted. Several users also report to Finance Forward that their accounts in the discussion forum have been completely blocked.

The forum will be moderated, Bunq says on request, that is common. “We want to provide a fun and safe place where everyone feels welcome to share their thoughts. Unfortunately, sometimes people cannot hold back and repeatedly violate our forum guidelines. In the interests of everyone, we blocked their access to the forum, ”writes a spokesman. He does not deal more specifically with questions about the deletions of the contributions.

A user complained about the deletion of comments on the Instagram function - and was blocked.
Meanwhile , there was also conflict in the Reddit forum on Bunq . Until a few days ago, Bunq employees had moderation rights for the forum. Sums are said to have been deleted here too, users of the forum complain in a post that they have called “Bank of the Censorship”. However, when this was revealed, the Bunq employees were removed as moderators. "It would not be surprising if posts were removed," the spokesman said on request. This is the case if users have posted posts comparable to those in the Bunq forum.

The users are still waiting for an official answer to the question of the legal position of Instagram integration, which they address in the various Telegram and Facebook groups. There is no response from Bunq, neither in the Together forum nor on Reddit. At the request of Finance Forward, the company said on Friday: "Bunq always adheres to all rules and regulations, and the Instagram function will be no different."

There is a need to catch up not only in customer communication
On Saturday, the embedding of the Instagram posts in the beta version of the app was first removed and reinserted in a different design a short time later. A data query shows that the app no longer embeds the images, meaning that no data is passed on to Instagram. Instead, they are now apparently inserted manually and only link to Instagram, which actually complies with the GDPR. So Bunq responded to the criticism.

In the meantime, the disappointed news of loyal customers, who are now considering switching to another bank, are increasing. They are bothered by the lack of communication through Bunq and the sovereign handling of criticism. Competitors such as N26, Tomorrow and the DKB - but also Fintech Vivid , which was launched a few days ago - are already being discussed as possible successors in the Telegram group .

The company does not only have some catching up to do when it comes to customer communication. The data protection problems with Instagram are "just the icing on the cake," says Peter Hense. "Even the data protection information that can be displayed when installing the app is non-transparent, incomplete and therefore illegal," is the IT lawyer’s verdict.

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bunq isn't known for customer friendlyness.

in 2018 they killed the free accounts, overnight, and only after a lot of fuss reinstated them, life long but no option for a card or apple pay or any other goodies.

in 2020 they killed this promise, with a free upgrade to premium (3 months free), you automatically became a premium user. if you wanted to cancel you were cancelling your whole account.

ali was adament, the age of freeloaders was over, bye bye, unfortunately ali is no steve.

and now end of june bunq releases V3, a marketing tool that also can be used for payments. the app has all the functionality of V2, however the urge to buy a chainsaw and cut down some effing trees is overwelming, i must admit.

use bunq for transactions, not for savings and you will be covered by the 100K deposit guarantee.
That's sad; They were the very first bank to fully implement SEPA-Instant, have been implementing good things, with reasonable development to delivery time; All of this, with a banking license in a reputable jurisdiction.

Remaining contestants, aka German fin-techs, are slow conservative still at the stone age, and after their Wirecard-gate, things might get even worse regarding innovations.
But you are still using them or did you left them?
But you are still using them or did you left them?

All money moved from them. Waiting to see what they do to fix issue. Not using them for anything currently and closing end of this month.

Latest bunq update to fix the "profile" -> 'my bank accounts" crashing issue is a bad fix. It now shows closed accounts . These programmers must be idiots and not the same people that wrote V2 as they seem clueless.

btw I guess I got lucky as other clients who tried to move their money had payments halted and reversed I can see on trustpilot an reddit. They were then told their account is now closed and funds will be held for two months for fraud protection and they must provide a new iban to transfer funds too after holding period....what scum Bunq are.

I got lucky I guess. I was only banned from Together forum but got my money out within minutes. Who wants to be a client of a bank that blocks free speech. Bunq is a mafia in kid gloves...be warned they will freeze your money. NEVER BANK WITH THEM!!!

leaving bunq as well now since they charge 8 euro per month suddenly. Know from some banking friends that ABN refuses per default to transfer their clients money to bunq.

You won't be the last. I left already. When you close your bunq account you are given two options when you try to login later i.e 1) print off account statements or 2) re-open the accounts. So nothing is lost by closing the account.

Financially the bank is bad shape and after wirecard saga I am glad I moved money away from this Fintech challenger bank and would advise others to do so immediatly. This bank has zero chance of making any money with just a basic EMI service unless it keeps trying to upsell clients to supergreen accounts costing 17 euro a month. For that 9 euro premium over the 8 euro premium account all you get just a metal card....what a ripoff!!!!
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