Bulgarian banks?

is there any EMI which gives Bulgarian (BG****) iban and can be opened online?
I worked for 15 months with leopay but they rejected a 150,000 eur wire transfer from a gas company in Dubai and closed the accounts witn no reason. We lost a lot
of money and dont recommend leo pay for business. May be its ok for students, but no for business and not for european companies
Hi, do you know anything about Bulgaria's 183 day stay resident requirement? How can i avoid that and still be considered a resident of Bulgaria for tax purposes?
Yes, Bulgaria doesn’t care much if your there or not as long your paying your taxes . I’m around 60/80 days each year in bg the rest I’m travelling around the globe. And I know more people who doing same with even less days in the country and never experienced any issue.
Has anyone ever banked with a Bulgarian bank? should they be avoided?

Will be grateful for any info!
NO recommended LEO PAY. They returned paymernts for more than 150.000 eur after 1 years worling with them and with good balance and due diligences, without reason and closed the accounts. We take and lost 6 months to get paid another time for the client. May be for students its ok but no for european companies