Breder Suasso

After reading all the posts in this thread I decided today to send them a contact request to get the account opening started with them. I will first go for a simple personal account so I can get a clue about how it works and then with a corporate account.
FYI, i contacted them to open a corporate account, and i asked of course the essential question "will you keep my ID secret, or do will you report it to my country ?" ( i am based in Spain).

By phone, Breder Suasso says : "we are not able (allowed) to answer to such question, please email our compliance dpt". And the compliance dpt does not answer to my emails !

It looks they were not reporting before, but this will change soon.
And in the meantime, they don't talk about that to still make money with EU clients, until the crash happen.

Any fresh info about Breder Suasso and Automatic Exchange Of Information with Europe would be welcome.
It is widely known that all financial institutions and financial service providers have to comply to FATCA and CRS as well as other reporting to worldwide tax auth.
FYI, i contacted them to open a corporate account, and i asked of course the essential question "will you keep my ID secret, or do will you report it to my country ?" ( i am based in Spain).
Evene it is known that they have to comply to CRS and other reporting standards I wind it funny they don't answer honest such a simple question!
Thank you for your answers.
That's what i was thinking to.

And that'is effectively not fair (honnest) to leave us subscribe and pay, without telling the truth.
Right now, if you ask any incorporator, he will say "no problem", and they do like they ignore that our major concern (in Europe) is to avoid the CRS.

If i want a CRS compliant bank account, i have a big choice between 5 different well known banks just at 500m from my home.

For those who could be interested: i am ready to pay a good price for a nominee UBO, who is based outside of FACTA and CRS.

PS : my business is 100% clean.
Breder Suasso is not a bank, but a intermediary that sells you access to IBAN and MasterCards.

They do have a reputation, probably due to their secrecy. Please note the IBAN is named 'breder suasso limited' (bic WBKPPLPP) and your corp name is only referenced in the 'description field'. They do have a functioning compliance department, as long as you have proper paperwork you can transmit large amounts.

Use an introducer to get the account openend.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Hello Jose, I'm from Argentina. I have the same problem like you so I resolved to make a company in Seychelles and open an offshore account in Saint Vicent.
This could be a solution for you, but you will have to inverst more or less 1000 EUR.

Saludos! (regards!)


Really Breder suasso´s IBAN is not in your company name?

According this answer of breder suassos support they told individual IBAN is assigned without require any comments

Somebody knows if they require register for skype or is only possible open account from mobile or email?

best regards
I guess Poland/Polish banks have some unique way of regulation.

Breder Suasso, Trejdoo and DiPocket, all provide a individual (PL) IBAN, however it is not in your name, but in the name of the EMI. So good for incomming funds (paypal), less good for sending funds with the puspose of identification.
Breder Suasso, Trejdoo and DiPocket, all provide a individual (PL) IBAN, however it is not in your name, but in the name of the EMI. So good for incomming funds (paypal),
This Works for PayPal? Is PP accepting 3rd party providers like the mentioned and send Money to accounts where account number and name don't match ?
I think they don't answer to your questions because they don't want to be exposed to legal proceedings. You could be some people from the FBI would try to fool Breder Suasso to trap them. This happened by the past and those operations were done by undercover FBI agents who remained undercover for several years.