Bounty on Putin's head put by a Russian Businessman!

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Offshore Agent
May 15, 2010
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Of course, this 1 million is like a joke, and a mad dictator could take it as an insult, but it's a good start! Someone will offer a billion I hope!
Nobody is that involved to put their money where their mouth is. Funny enough, if you do that on any other politician who waged countless wars somewhere else, you'd be captured by interpol

Sounds like someone, who has just signed his own death!!!!!

I think this is the biggest problem among all russians and this is why they end up in this situation now. If everybody will be scared to move a finger, nothing will change. Like it never changed for the last decades.

It's time to stop being chickens and tell this dictator f**k off. Otherwise - welcome russians to new world similar to N. Korea.
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I’m not for war and certainly not for death of innocent people. After COVID these people have had to endure s**t I couldn’t even imagine.

Putin can see what is going on and this world is becoming more messed up every day.
Iraq there was supposedly weapons of mass destruction. They were never found and all of their gold is missing?
The Middle East oil producing countries share their oil revenue with its citizens. This was based on Colonel Gadaffi template. He started to get the rest of Africa to follow, by not letting other countries exploit them. A true pan African. The dictator is now dead, Gold and billions of dollars missing.

These are 2 examples of countries who citizens were looked after by the state in regards to health care, income, education (including international education) and some of the best quality of life. Now they are fucked and where is NATO in all of this? Left the people destitute and broke!!!!!!!!!

Just look at it as Russia is just like any mineral rich country the west want to control but can’t because their leader will not agree. So they sanction the country and sorround them with US (I mean NATO) army. The difference is Russia has the army and the arsenal to protect themselves where Libya didn’t. They will push back and defend themselves especially since the country they help to build has turned their back on them!!

The issue here is NATO and that they promised not to let Ukrain in, to Russia. Ukrain desperately want to join the EU and the president has gone against this deal.
Russia has given (not loaned) Ukrain billions to develop their infrastructure and trained and educated a lot of their population. They gave them help in setting up industry like arms manufacturing which is one of the largest employers and revenue generators to Ukrain.

The west told Ukrain that we will support you especially USA. They went to war with Russia and have been left on their own. Everyone is pretending to help by sending their military but no one has actually got involved. Unfortunately the Ukrainian president found out the hard way that no one is coming to help!!

Ukrain wouldn’t be what it is today without Russia.

As for sanctions they don’t hurt the wealthy, so they get the poor to do their dirty work.
Russia has leant the west hundreds of billions which now won’t be paid back.
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One dead Russian soldier brings the family a whole 5,000,000 RUB, which is currently about 46,000 USD. The dictator is not worth more than 1M USD.

498 Russian soldiers died and over 1,500 wounded I read in Russian press. Who also knows how many innocent Ukrainians have died. War is ugly. Peace talks is only way.

The Russian businessman Alex Konanykhin put $1 million on Putin's head!!

When he wishes another human being dead he loses his humanity and becomes the very thing he despises . Don't allow yourself to be radicalized as its not healthy like the hatred mirrored between Palestinians and Israelis. Let peace talks prevail. logic and not emotion is what is needed right now. I pray for everyone involved.
When he wishes another human being dead he loses his humanity and becomes the very thing he despises . Don't allow yourself to be radicalized as its not healthy like the hatred mirrored between Palestinians and Israelis. Let peace talks prevail.
can't be more true.
What I am always amazed about is how the vast majority of people think that by taking down one ruler, things will be better. It really depends on the country, not on the ruler.
And in the specifics of Russia, which is currently an empire, democracy inevitably means explosion and formation of dozens new states in just a few years. plus corruption and all.
Another dictator otoh can only be the same or worse. He or she (i learnt a female influencer also wants to run for president) will have to deal with opposition, western interference, this or that military that wants her seat, and so forth. And bam, you got yourself from the pan into the fire. Only someone really naive or really mean already would actually want to do that job.

To be honest, from the outside, it looks to me that Putin did a reasonably ok job all considered.
He could have done more for the economy, sure. It could also have been a ton worse. And he defended his country from the western raptors.
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To be honest, from the outside, it looks to me that Putin did a reasonably ok job all considered.
B.S. Putin turned Russia into a kleptocracy. Putin has to hate the Russian people to produce this kind of outcome. This is from the Moscow Times:
At a combined $640 billion, BCG found the wealth of the richest 500, who make up less than 0.001% of Russia’s population, was higher than that of the poorest 114.6 million, or 99.8% of the adult population.
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To be honest, from the outside, it looks to me that Putin did a reasonably ok job all considered.

Tell this to those killed families and raped poor girls.

I can't believe what you guys are writing here. It's a sad place you live in and I hope your narrow view on the world will change, hopefully before something bad happens.

War is the worst thing guys. I am not for NATO or whatever else. I am for the right to choose your own way and freedom. Looks like freedom is non existant in your lifes, you poor guys.

It really depends on the country, not on the ruler.

with such a mindset, I hope all Russian who think the same will enjoy the isolated world, because you poor guys don't need western society. You need North Korea, not Europe or USA.

Why do you poor people come to Europe and enjoy the goods western people provide? You should stop being dickheads and enjoy your dicktator.

I am mad! I really thought Russians are better. Well, at least I know not all of them think the same as you do.

Rest in peace.

B.S. Putin turned Russia into a kleptocracy. Putin has to hate the Russian people to produce this kind of outcome. This is from the Moscow Times:

They are blind, so there is no hate.

I just watched a video when a Russian soldier phoned his mom to say he was captured, and his mother's main concern was how did he break the tank and what she will have to tell to her neighbor. It's crazy. Russians are out of their minds.
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Ok emotions are running high here folks. Try not to let emotions and hatred consume you. Emotions don't solve any problems in today's world. .
Your posts is very one sided and emotional.
You say how many lives it cost.Maybe ask how many lives he saved.
It is known for a decade that Putin can't let Ukraine and Belarus leave as a neutral country and buffer.
It was even said thousands of times by US think tanks that this would mean the end of russia.
So tell me having that knowledge who created this BS trying to switch from a neutral country to a pro US country with the intention to destroy russia ?

You blame Putin for it ?
It just needs a single sentence like we won't join Nato and everything would end.But no its more important to keep power for a pro US group who by accident are facists.

And for your information EU creates for its people also an isolated world.They already did but once the transformation ends you will have less rights and possibilities than being in russia.
Other than the EU politicans Putin is an ethnic nationalist who won't agree EVER on harming his citizens.
Does the war effect russian citizens wealth ?Of course because thats the target of the west.
Would russia lose the war against nato it would be better for them ?
No,we already saw what the west did to russians under Yelzin in the 90's which russians won't forget

You are wasting your time with such philosophies. Putin (dicktator) wants to restore the Soviet Union.

It's the same as you would tell me now that Lithuanians are a danger for Putin because they are in NATO. And I am pretty sure Lithuanians would be the next if he succeeds with Ukraine. We had our own right to choose which alliance we want us to protect. Does this mean we started a war with Russia? You are clueless and brainwashed.

Your brain is washed.

I give up here.
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