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Aug 16, 2024
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If someone on this forum told me that theyre based in dubai and that work with lawyers, bankers, and accountants not only in dubai but have partners in switzerland, nordic countries, and singapore and would help out a client with 10 maybe 15 million usd turning a blind eye to the source of funds, would they be bluffing or quite possibly telling the truth? What are we to make of this? Who does business in dubai? Just who are the people we nod our hellos to as we pass on the street? - symbol of speech
Perhaps. Depends on who it is and what their background is. This is why it's very important to do your own due diligence and not trust people just at face value.
Someone going by the name captk 1. I chatted with him on telegram and he seemed extremely knowledgeable about taxes, aeoi, tiea, crs, what countries had their respective tax rates, ect... he seemed like the real deal but for some reason he hasnt replied back on telegram for some reason... he also knew a lot about structures. Its almost as though he had knowledge that only an insider would know...
Someone going by the name captk 1. I chatted with him on telegram and he seemed extremely knowledgeable about taxes, aeoi, tiea, crs, what countries had their respective tax rates, ect... he seemed like the real deal but for some reason he hasnt replied back on telegram for some reason... he also knew a lot about structures. Its almost as though he had knowledge that only an insider would know...
did you net get the answer you need on august 16 from this forum?
Someone going by the name captk 1. I chatted with him on telegram and he seemed extremely knowledgeable about taxes, aeoi, tiea, crs, what countries had their respective tax rates, ect... he seemed like the real deal but for some reason he hasnt replied back on telegram for some reason... he also knew a lot about structures. Its almost as though he had knowledge that only an insider would know...
It's quite easy to be/appear knowledgeable in this field by simply taking the time to read publicly available information. Nearly every country publishes its tax rates and tax laws online (often in English translations even if English isn't the official language). Information about the general principles of AEOI/CRS and TIEAs are also public knowledge.

The user is banned from OCT. While I can't comment on the specifics, if someone is banned and stays banned for more than 30 days, they're usually never welcome back here.

I think it's time for you to give up on Captk1 and try to find someone else.

Unless someone is introduced to me through a trusted party, I usually only approach and work with firms and professionals that are reputable and independently verifiable. If I'm looking to set up a structure or solve a problem, I don't DM some anonymous random on social media that I can't independently verify. I reach out to well known service providers. Over time, you get to know people and second degree introductions can be made.
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The man ( OP )has mental issues and legal problems. He has stolen a lot of money and is now trying to get it smuggled through someone else. I think you should use CAPTK1; he can help you do the same thing you've done to others.

Apparently, you can’t afford to buy a Mentor Group Gold membership, which I recommended, but you’re still trying to freeload information on how to continue scamming.

The thread should be titled 'From One Scammer to Another: Who’s the Bigger Scammer?
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