Bitsafe stole my money, please I need help on how to report them to the Financial Authorities

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Hi my money also not transferred yet I am in big problem stuck in india I will also complain file to Dutch financial regulator.
They can close your accoutn for hwhatever reason, especially if you hit a flag or if thy think you are avoiding taxes. YEs people, avoiding taxes is iilegal under AMLD6. You can do everything legal but if the bank THINKS you are not, they will be entitled to think so without clarfying if the issue really is illegal.

For example;

You ride a bycicle at 20mph and cant physically go faster on that bike otherwise itll explode, the cops flash you and tell you were doing 400mph. Therefore you were doing 400mph. If only someone would ask what you were driving then it would make "real world" sense you could only have done 20mph. But the banks stop at the 400mph mark and do not afford further thinking.

SO stop with the "but" "however" sentences, the bank closed your account because of some reason(and it could be even a derisking exercise, ie cancel everyone in Nepal or cancel everyone who logs in between 2-4AM local time since that means a lot of fraud). In either case if its the latter tyou should have your money back in weeks, if its the first, itll be 6 months(Assuming nothing is wrong). As the bank needs to produce a AML report (400mph) and send it off to the local crime fighters, who then decide if you can have your money back. SO in your case I would have thought you might have funded the account from your name. Then left the money there, and then proceed to pay some random friend/family member. Yes that will tick their boxes in terms of "close" account

Unfortunately these days the state are more likely than not to deny having your money back as it raises revenue for the state. The state's preferred option is to take your money and not pursue you for a crime. Yes, so they grab your money yet you are not a criminal proven so in court.

In case you were still wondering, yes it is in the BANKs and the STATE's interest to block as much money as possible so they can raise revenue under the heading of "fighting crime". Hiring AML officers and let the customers of the banks pay for this themselves.

So if you send money to your friends, the state will simply claim you were doing money muling or avoiding "insert reason" just to have a stab at grabbing your money as all it takes is a judge to sign off on this. And remember it is not about them proving something is, the state can scream their head off, its up to you to proof something is not. Yes the reverse burden of proof has been implemented - good luck.
Hi I can not understand this they are so heartless even not understand peoples problem I am sending money from my transferwise account which is in my name and how it is wrong and it is not sent by somebody if not they can send to my transferwise account and money comes from transferwisevand skrill account Both are regulated.simply from where it come send back to it or where they can send my money let me know they have no fear of god
And they are not replying why it happened and what is the procedure that money my 3years saving they grab my childrens food
they are following the law.

Put it differently, if a thief stole something and the hop owner found out, the thief can say to the shop owner, ok ill put it back, but nothing happened ok? It is still a crime against the state. SO its not about heartless this is the procedure.

6 months they got - and no they cannot tell you by LAW why they closed it as the bank is not allowed to tip off.
And they are not replying why it happened and what is the procedure that money my 3years saving they grab my childrens food
That's how all of them do, if things go wrong you end up with lots of questions and no answer.

What I figured out is that if you are up against super corporations like PayPal and Stripe which seem to have have muscles bigger then Arnold Schwarzenegger in his best time, then you can forget to get answers or any money which they think they don't owe you.

If you are up against small merchant account providers / companies in general then most often finding a local lawyer close to them and paying him 5K euro to start a law suite helps. Now the question is if it is worth 5K euro or not.
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What are you saying it is not about Is my hard earned money for my family.please do not say like this without understanding.i send money from my own account to my bitsafe how can you say like this?and from my bitsafe account to another account.what are you talking like this.i deposit money for my childrens food for my family.i have account with transferwise I send many times to bitsafe and another account if you have money on your wise account if you can not send they just say you can not send and it reflects money on your balance but here they allowed transfer but not sent and money does not reflect on my account where is my money it is not stolen money it is my blood they will get punishment by god such a heartless people they are you go to PayPal,skrill,payoneer,wise.i have accounts with all of them all my 3 years saving I transfer to bitsafe and I am stuck in india I also request them please send me at least 100 dollar they not reply yet.i have more than 2000 euro with them and I am asking them to send at least 100 for now later you can send remaining but no reply my heart cries and they will pay for this through god.
May be for you this money nothing but it is money all I take in this way you deposit your all saving to you need money to feed your children and also you are out of country and for also to go back your country you need money.and now Corona virus pandemic do not know what happen you can not ask your family for money and you are hungry no money for food no money to send to family out of country because you can not withdraw money from your bank.think in this way and it is final truth and this is happening with me and I told my problem to them but they least they have to scare from God.this time I do not have even 10 dollar in my pocket I just eat one time no money out of my country and I can not say this family.i am trying to get help from other people to get some money and go back to my country.
It’s not about how much that money means for your. There are no feelings involved in following the regulations nor in writing them.
So it’s not about being heartless or not.
Something rise a flag and unfortunately you are in the middle.
Lesson learned: don’t put all your life savings in institutions where you can’t go physically at least to complain every single day.
Hi do you have feeling? What are you saying?understand the problem.there is no mistake and flag.Who can flag me I transferred from my own account to my bitsafe account ok if somebody else deposit may be there is question and I send from transferwise my own account if I violate there terms and conditions than I can understand its between my own accounts so there is no flag.what is the reason my transferred not credited they should let me know and same transfer I did many times with bitsafe only this time it happens I use transferwise it is regulated and they have limit how much I can transfer if I can not transfer they cancel the transfer and it reflects on your account.who knows this it's our hard earned money and they will do this they ruin my life.there is no flag on my account.if this happen to you what you do people can even do suicide.ofcourse they are heartless people they hold your money without reason if they are right give me the reason why hold my money.
I was using dukascopy for transfer but they charge 2.25 euro for transfer and here on bitsafe it is .75 and to just save 1.50 euro I choose bitsafe from this you can feel even I.50 euro value me.i am unemployed have two childrens may be I write english good but i do not have any skill to earn only with this money I trade and make few dollars a day now this also stopped.
How can a people so heartless?it is simple just send my money for your question there is no flag because it is my hard earned money before I transferred from transferwise to crypto site later they cancel and they say it is not allowed and money returned my account instantly
What I say they grab my childrens food my old parents medicine money this money also not all my savings some I have loans and I need to pay interest and they do this ok if there is problem they can tell what problem but you just hold the money without reason like they grab my neck without reason and I ask why you grab my neck and no answer
sorry but your situation but you won’t find compassion or mercy in financial industry. That’s what others want to point out too.
Good luck with them! if they answer to you, don’t forget to update here at least to know why they held your money and how it ended up!
Bitsafe has a good reputation ?
Thank you for understanding.i am not looking for their mercy.i am not asking their money I just want to know about my money status I have a big financial problem but I just need my money that's is my blood not stolen money.
Thank you for understanding.i am not looking for their mercy.i am not asking their money I just want to know about my money status I have a big financial problem but I just need my money that's is my blood not stolen money.
Did you talk to a lawyer? They should give it back if you can prove it was earned legally.
Hi I have got my money back but I was in so much trouble because of this they not response email I am from Nepal now stuck in India now I get money and can go back to my country.are u from europe? You can contact lawyer there how to contact from here I am asking for in future if something will happen like this I pray to the god no one suffer this who has honest money.
Such a painful experience I got.the main problem is they do not response and it is the most painful
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