Big debt in foreign bank

Yes indeed.
I just can`t see how is that possible.

Margin requirement and invoicing for credit cards 5.1 As a security for the Cardholder’s obligations towards Swissquote, in addition to the right of lien and set-off contemplated in Swissquote’s General Business Conditions and Safe Custody Regulations, Swissquote shall block on the Credit Card Account an amount in freely available cash in a currency in which the Contractual Spending Limit is denominated corresponding to the Contractual Spending Limit (the “Margin”).
If the Effective Spending Limit is zero (either because of lack of Additional Cash Amount or otherwise), no further transactions shall be authorized or processed. In addition, transactions which would result in the Effective Spending Limit to become a negative number shall not be authorized or processed. Swissquote is however entitled, at its sole discretion, to authorize transactions relating to recurring services to be processed, which may result in an Over-Limit Situation
i you manage to get that credit you shuould enjoy the money , for sure is more complicate or expensive trying to recovery the funds in brazil , i think in in ch term for credit cards is 3 years
OP has not come back to explain debt in the follow up points raised in thread. Seems odd
Reactions: zonqor
I too had problems with this account when I was given a credit card. Swissquote told me that the Swiss bank had changed some conditions and now I as a cardholder have to obey those laws in my state. Although I have been given credit Yhdistelylaina jopa 70 000 € asti - Luottopäätös heti - Korko alk. 4,19% at other banks in different countries. Swissquote never charges a top-up fee, but the issuer of my card (but it was issued by that particular bank!) implies tax and interest. And card transfers are also subject to interest, and they are a huge percentage.
wonder what bank you got this loan with ?
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