Every entity from any jurisdiction should be a "solid" entity if the Organizer filed correctly and the Lawyer did the transactional work (paperwork) correctly.
Solidarity comes from the entity being in the proper and sufficient jurisdiction applicable to the originating jurisidiction of the wire transfer to fund the entity and such funding to be at a banking location which: charges transfer rates and not percentages, financially stable and not at risk of going under.
Besides, all monies should never all be kept in one bank institution. A good rule of thumb is have at least 5 accounts dividing the monies. If a bank goes under, or a accuser finds one banking location, they do not find ALL of the monies.
Banking times is irrelevant unless you think you will be calling them up all the time... ???
Initially, only two organisation would know that you are the owner of a company.
WHOA! You should never be the "Owner" (legally wrong word anyways, try 'Member') of the company which has the bank accounts. You should at least always be the "majority shareholder" of a company that is the "Owner" of the Company with the
bank account. You should only ever appear as a signatory that is an "Authorized Agent" for the Banking Customer that is the Company
Moving 'Offshore' and selecting a setup is not like shopping at the thrift store. "Special" and unique characteristics come AFTER first analyzing the right jurisdictions applicable to the originating jurisdiciton of the revenue. Characteristics like " i dont have to get up in the middle of the night to call them" should be the least of your concerns. This is a legal game.