Best Offshore Banks


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Oct 12, 2019
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Hi everybody,
I have a company in Germany, but afraid to use German bank for large € transfers. They are paranoic. Please anyone advise easiest option, for remote opening offshore account.
Thanks in advance
Reactions: Spinat
To my knowledge, most banks can be hesitant towards remote account openings for offshore clients. So you’re gonna have to use a service provider, who’ll act as the intermediary, as well as an introducer. Pick one with a good rep.

Tip: Tap into your contacts for someone who has similar needs like you, with a bank account. Then, ask them to introduce you to the bank.

I’d normally say to use TransferWise, but since you’re talking about big numbers here, I wouldn’t suggest that.
Reactions: extremedox101
Well, it depends on what are you looking for. Just for "safety", I would recommend using EMI like, it has a good reputation, if you need a real bank, I would suggest looking into Private Pacific Bank in Vanuatu (it has SEPA). Let me know if you need any help or more info about any of it. Ofcourse, there are many many more options, I am just more familiar with those. It's a safe bet.
Thanks for you answer Gediminas. By the way, maybe you are from LT i am Lithuanian, your name is Lithuanian.
i try Vanatu bank, I realy have paranoja with online banks. They freeze money if they don't like something.
Hi Tonymontana, yeh I'm Lithuanian, nice to e-meet you. You can do SEPA's in Private Pacific Bank, so if you are legit and the bank won't have any worries about you - it's instant. Not sure why you are afraid of EMI's, the ones I mentioned above are regulated by the bank of LT. Anyway, you know your situation better
Don't they have a minimum fee of some USD 100 per transfer? So if you send someone 1000 they will take 100 USD + percentage for every transaction?

They do. Min is 75 Eur, max 500 Eur. So if you make 1k Eur transfer, you will get charged 75 euros in total.

If you think those fees are too high for your needs, you are definitely looking into the wrong bank, because the monthly maintenance fee is 250 euros. It all depends on your volume/sums of operations and the purpose in general.
Reactions: MrTony
What about USD transactions and fees of banks correspondents?
Are they available now? Do you have any information about this?
Anyway, thank you for sharing information!
What about USD transactions and fees of banks correspondents?
Are they available now? Do you have any information about this?
Anyway, thank you for sharing information!

They do not operate with USD transactions yet, but I was told they have this in their plan. Other than that is available.

If you are sending SEPA transfers, there are no correspondents, otherwise, it could be, it all depends on the situation.
Reactions: MrTony
Hi everybody,
I have a company in Germany, but afraid to use German bank for large € transfers. They are paranoic. Please anyone advise easiest option, for remote opening offshore account.
Thanks in advance
There is a list here List of Offshore Bank Accounts with remote opening without introducer of banks that may open remote.

If you are looking for EMI's rather than banks you want to have a look into Transferwise they have been doing great for many of us around this forum.
They do not operate with USD transactions yet, but I was told they have this in their plan. Other than that is available.

If you are sending SEPA transfers, there are no correspondents, otherwise, it could be, it all depends on the situation.

What about SWIFT transfers in EUR?Are they apply the same fee Min is 75 Eur, max 500 Eur.? Are there some restrictions for SWIFT transfers in EUR?
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