Best High Risk payment gateways

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Actually what I'm asking is if the customers whose cards I'm charging needs KYC or not
Usually not, depends on the card processor and how much Risk Management you want to do.
last time i work with a company that sell replica watches

i am programmer and was tasked to integrate payment gateway in oscommerce

the company use /
hongkong based payment gateway
they accept replica and other high risk business

but, to avoid from chargeback, they will hold the money for 1 month. we only got 2 chargeback cases during my employment there.

since my boss is rich, he dont have problem to wait 1 month for the payout. and the chargeback not hurt his business much because the replica item is very cheap in china and he charged a lot to his customers.

i saw the company has upgraded their website.
maybe they can accept international customer too now.
i think ctopay transaction fees is around 5-7%
since my company business involve with shipping item, they want shipment proof to avoid chargeback.
if you want to use ctopay for adult website, maybe they will ask for transaction approval code to verify the ownership of the card.
are you still around?

Anyone has any update to this thread?
eMerchant works well too for semi high risk so does many of the payment processors you can find around and even in the resource section of mentor group.

However, when it comes to real high risk business it is going to be harder and you most often need many payment processors because you burn them one by one quickly.
We are in the appliance repair plan industry, we would like to do 100% Moto payments. Uk business, servicing Uk. Does anyone know how we can get these types of companies onboarded?

We find that most payment providers are not interested in this industry and the ones that are interested, only offer e-commerce, or pay-by-link.
I don't believe there is a best high risk processor for anything. But there are high risk payment processors for some sort of business and some of them have more strict rules and policies over others!
What are they doing then? are you still in business btw?
I do have between 2-3% of chargeback, stripe and all of his known competitors can't accept my store..
Can you guys drop teh best payment gateways that accept 3% chargeback?

I'm using woocommerce and i'm in UK.
can you tell us what processor you have found or if you not have found a solution? I'm interested please?
Reactions: CloudFund
Guys - good news I joined the mentor group gold today just to run through some of all of the stuff there.

Since a very long time I have been looking for valid high risk payment processors, posted a thread about my findings already the last day. I found nothing I really could use, but this thread looks like to be the problem solver.

It's posted in the mentor group so I don't think I can post it here. thanks to this community I'm finally a step further.
Reactions: boomy
thank you for the link, much appreciated.
By now OP may hopefully already have found a valid payment processor for his needs.

I just want to add to the list and for interest for the many people around looking for a merchant account.

When you open a thread asking for a merchant account for your business, you want to share the basic information to get qualified answers:

  • how much volume do you have per month?
  • is this a new business?
  • do you have any processing history?
  • what is your current chargeback ratio?
  • have you been kicked by your current payment processor?
  • do you know if your business is considered to be high risk or regular business?
  • are there any illegal product or services sold?
  • does your business require a license?
  • do you intend to run a unlicensed business and seek a payment service?
  • where is your business located?
  • where are you from?
Without knowing all these basic information it will be a wild guess every time such questions, threads or posts seeing the daylight.
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