Hi Guys
Our company is in Hong Kong, offshore company, with shareholders outside HK. Shareholders are Belize Trust and Corporate Nominee Director.
I have power of attorney to open a bank account for the company
What is the best bank for a company like this
1) With not an ancient internet banking interface
2) Low deposit to open account
3) With bank debit card (chip and pin)
A good % of our clients are in EU, some in US, some in UK, some AU - so we would like EU IBAN and swift? (sorry dont know too much about the differences)
Been suggested to look at Mauritius or Dominican republic......... good idea or any better to look at?
Sorry if it's been asked before
Our company is in Hong Kong, offshore company, with shareholders outside HK. Shareholders are Belize Trust and Corporate Nominee Director.
I have power of attorney to open a bank account for the company
What is the best bank for a company like this
1) With not an ancient internet banking interface
2) Low deposit to open account
3) With bank debit card (chip and pin)
A good % of our clients are in EU, some in US, some in UK, some AU - so we would like EU IBAN and swift? (sorry dont know too much about the differences)
Been suggested to look at Mauritius or Dominican republic......... good idea or any better to look at?
Sorry if it's been asked before