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more or less what we should believe is there a risk of the IRS to ask for taxes or is it something we can forget about?
You can forget about it. I have not found any recent case where the IRS sued anybody for "FBA" type of setups. This is in line with the fact that the IRS does not even do advance rulings. They simply accept any taxes that is given to them and never sue as they are likely to lose and do not want any hard facts on the table as long as their scared lawyers successfully keep telling people to pay taxes.
I concur! There may be exceptions, but I can't remember any.
Now, they have gone after people, but these are "targeted" people.

If Danny Dumb starts an X account badmouthing the US government and saying things contrary to the narrative and runs an FBA store, then it is highly likely he will be targeted. This isn't hard to imagine.
Even then. Such a case would not go unnoticed. It would bring clarity into the matter, which IRS does not want. There are chances that the court would rule it to be not subject to profit tax.

I mean how can a company managed from Germany with only German staff be subject to profit tax in the US because of their FBA warehouse? If it was like that all US companies would start using Saudi warehouses and pay no tax.

Hence the present state is much more attractive. All companies ask a lawyer and what can he advise? He cannot tell you not to pay taxes. He tells you to pay taxes and helps the IRS.

That's why they do not do any advance ruling and don't sure. They just take the money that comes for free.
Reactions: Forester and jafo

(1) Ahhh... I see.... how you are looking at it.

The target doesn't have to be charged with anything tax-related. Most people haven't dealt with the DOJ's full force. It's kind of like Al Capone.

There are THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of cases like this every day and TWICE on Sundays. Never think you are dealing with sane people.
Only read the Appellate's Court's decision if you can handle your worst nightmare! This is so bad. I advise people NOT to read it as it sends you down a really dark path, and chances are, like me, you will need anti-depressants.

Now, I will link the Appellate Court's decision:

(2) Unpublished opinion! Most people have NEVER heard of these. It's a killer and sets NO precedence. Nothing for anyone to worry about.

I wrote about this here: Thailand new change - world wide income at Thai tax levels to be taxed

PS. In one of my own cases, four co-defendants fought back and went to jury trial. Four out of 18 co-defendants pleaded guilty and turned state witnesses. I testified on behalf of my four friends. The government already knew I wasn't going to flip since I don't have subjective morals and ethice. They NEVER came to ask me ANYTHING! I didn't know the other 14 co-defendants. While testifying, as a matter of law, I brought up that what they charged the 4 with is NOT a prohibitive act. Long story short: The jury found them guilty anyway! The judge, as a matter of law, overturned the jury's decision. The government appealed. The appellate court sided with the district court judge.
The 14 state witnesses who testified for the government being left out to dry, tried to withdraw their guilty pleas as they realized they pleaded guilty to a non-existent crime. The district court denied it, the appellate court affirmed the district court's decision (unpublished opinion), and SCOTUS totally ignored it. No mention.

That, my friends, is how 14 dumb and lying snitches got sentenced for a NON-EXISTENT crime because they wanted to be the House SLAVE! They sided with the WRONG side to save their OWN skin!

PSS. I'll try to get permission of the four co-defendants to see if I can post the court's decision and the appellate decisions here. The court's decision of the 14 others has been sealed. I have a printed copy somehwere, but my digital copy I have NO idea where it is. I've changed computers so many times. It's a 2002 case. I fought those bastards for 17 years because a few attorneys believed in rule of law, rule-based orders, and all kinds of different Disney fantasies. Of course, NONE of them would defend any of us for free. BTW, it was a quasi-partner mine that blabbed about our business to his drinking buddies, mostly lawyers, on Shooters Waterfront in 2000. Vultures seeing a huge potential for them to make money without seeing the implications started trouble with different 3-letter agencies demanding an opinion letter to take the company public.

Ask ANY of those lawyers today and they'll claim: He won the case. He got justice. They don't seem to have ANY morals or ethics to understand the 17 years wasted and millions of dollars in opportunity cost wasted defending yourself from a tribe with NO morals or ethics! Yeah, so f*ck all of them!
You can't understand any tax authority or office at any time, it's monkeys hired to do AI jobs in the office without using any brain, hence the IQ of such monkeys is similar to the ones of chimps not stupid but not wise enough to think at their own.
100%! They only FEAR lethal force! As in the lethal force, the judge tells them they are wrong and issues an order under the threat of violence! That's when they go seek an easier target! Worst f*cking people one will ever deal with.

Notice how almost NO tax agents reveal they are tax agents on their social media profile or in their neighborhood? Same as thieves! Very few (if any) reveal that they are thieves on their social media profiles or in their neighborhood!
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF
I once met a guy supposedly from Italy speaking Italian and asking me for money. He complained that he thinks the people there are all racist or something. I was then willing and I then asked for his passport, he pulled it out (no, it was not from Italy) and mentioned "EU passport". Long story short, based on his nationality, he already knew beforehand that he is a thief. (I will not mention the nationality here as previous posts got deleted. I leave it up to your imagination where the beggars in Germany etc. are from.)
Why your post got deleted? I assume the guy was from Romania or other Baltic country ?
The guy that was complaining about his incompetent government was not the issue. I think some others misunderstood my post which was mainly complaining about the government which then in turn makes thieves. You can still read about it here
In any case I met many very cool Romanians that were super nice. It is just the incompetent government forcing the weakest ones to get the money elsewhere due to the lack of social welfare.

We all don't believe in taxes. But guys, if it costs 10k people 10k per year for fencing the house and power generation, that is 100M which could be invested in solving the problems.
Reactions: jafo
are you serious about what you wrote here?
are you serious about what you wrote here?
Let's start from scratch with facts.
  • IRS does not do any advance rulings on ETBUS.
  • The last court cases date back to times when Western Union was a telegraph company and not yet in the money laundering business.
  • Half of the lawyers and accountants tell you ETBUS while the other half tells you the opposite.
What does your analysis of the situation tell you? What could be the rationale behind IRS not suing anybody for taxes?
Reactions: EliasIT and jafo
What could be the rationale behind IRS not suing anybody for taxes?
I have no clue Whish European tax office would do the same, they will chase the crap out of you and bent you over if you do any funny business with them.
Reactions: jafo
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