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Belize LLC for Asset Protection


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Oct 11, 2020
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It is possible, given that the company has a plausible source of funds and enough capital to be taken into consideration.

While it's all good and well in theory to set up these layers, establishing them without having at least $1,000,000 to deposit with these banks doesn't sit well and would make it difficult for you to open an account.

In practice, setting up these structures without substantial funds would not be easy.
Capital security bank will open an account for me which includes brokerage.

I’m a client already, minimum balance 250,000 which is not that much and fees are more than reasonable.
Capital security bank approved my account, they are fine with digitally certified company documents. Fees are much lower than OCBC so I will opt to use CSB instead.
Good information, only problem I have is the 250K which is much to deposit into an online bank.
How difficult is it nowadays to have a Belize LLC as a "holding" / "main" shareholder of an "international company" when it comes to banking for the "daughter company"? (E.G US LLC or HK LTD)

I'm well aware that banking for the Belize LLC will be significantly difficult besides going the "bigger deposit path" but how big is the "influence" on an operational "daughter company"?
How difficult is it nowadays to have a Belize LLC as a "holding" / "main" shareholder of an "international company" when it comes to banking for the "daughter company"? (E.G US LLC or HK LTD)

I'm well aware that banking for the Belize LLC will be significantly difficult besides going the "bigger deposit path" but how big is the "influence" on an operational "daughter company"?
No issues with a US LLC. It’s very common to have this setup to avoid US estate tax.
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