Banks begun going bankrupt, Stable coins depegged.

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Do you really believe that stablecoins are stable coins?
I'm not sure what you mean...
if you're asking whether for example Tether holds full reserves then I have no idea but I would say they probably do because it's too good business to screw this up

however my point is it's not important - we already have systems based on trust and these don't work
we are lucky enough to already have the ultimate solution that doesn't require trust

and those unlucky ones in South America or Africa who cannot tolerate the temporary volatility of bitcoin because of existential reasons don't give a s**t about financial audits of opaque Hong Kong based company because they have no other meaningful options
bank run is clearly overhyped.
Banks will fail in the end as they are not needed anymore however this actions remembers me of bitcoin and nearly always before big crashes there are rumors about stablecoin to push people into bitcoin from their stablecoin so institutions have buyers for their bitcoins at the top.
For me its clear that they created that fear with overhyped bank runs so people exchange their cash to buy stocks,commodities,crypto in hope of saving it before the final big down movement of all markets will accure. Data clearly showing professionals and institutions mainly selling where only retailers are buying.
Yeah the problem with fiat is that it can only go down eventually. Cryptos have upside at least
I am not a property fan, but there is a big upside potential in inflationary times, and with so many useless crypto coins the number of available properties is not even comparable. But if you are (just a phrase to use) a religious crypto fan then nothing else works
The only problem you don't have inflation but stagflation which is an extremly bad thing for real estates.
A nice stat shows how there was a significant increase in real estate in march.
People buying from professionals at top prices fearing to let their cash stay in banks.

Btw Bitcoin weekly creating a nice weekly Reversal Doji
Deflation in property prices with inflation at 10-15%? Deflation in Bitcoin, sure, coming down from 60,000 to 20,000
Deflation in property prices with inflation at 10-15%? Deflation in Bitcoin, sure, coming down from 60,000 to 20,000
I'm really asking myself how people think people will keep financing real estates when costs of credits are exploding and the second peak of inflation still has to come.
People need to understand that stagflation means high inflation on needed goods and low increase in income which takes wealth away from people.
People not able to borrow the significant amount of money anymore to uphold current real estate prices.

Poland a nice example where 2 years ago the average person could get 800k PLN credit
Last year 440k PLN and this year 180k PLN.
No diffrence in US and soon EU.
All they do is waiting to sell their RE assets to retailers at top prices and buy back at bottom.
Repeat of 2007-2011

Sometimes i think people slept in 2007-2011 not knowing today how quickly it went down there and even people who pay their debt on time will get big trouble.
So many risks i don't want to even mention all.
1.RE prices going down making that RE price will be lower than amount of credit.You get a nice call from the bank to deposit the deficit in 14 days else termination of loan and the RE goes to auction.
2.Energy Efficiency which need to be done till 2030/33 which is causing that many real estates already dumped a lot in value.
3.Increase of interest rates which in europe could kill a lot of loans in a stagflationary envirement
4.Banking Crisis where non liquid banks are selling good RE loans to locust companies for 1/3 of the value which will demand total repayment of loan in 14 days or auction of RE. (happened in big amount in 2008-2011 in germany which made people upset because they ALWAYS paid in time but were unable to pay within 14 days the rest amount.Their RE got sold for 1/3-1/2 of real price on auctions).
The worst part since their RE got sold for so cheap (smaller than rest debt) on auctions they very often still had a rest debt to the locust company in the end.

There are even way more and bigger risks i do not want to talk in public but these alone should make people fear about the RE market.
If people have less and less money in their wallets how do you expect them to pay higher prices for RE ?

Did you checked european stats how many people already need to cut expenses massivly and i'm not talking about the poor class.
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RE is the last component of the consumer budget function to be affected. In Europe and most of the western world being the owner of your apartment/house is one of the most important life goals. People will simply allocate more budget to RE from other spending categories (travel, food, entertainment, clothes, transportation etc.).

People still have flexibility on their budget allocation. They will simply have less and less purchasing power but will make the right allocation decisions based on what the social norm dictates.

Large houses and luxury apartments in large cities will always be in demand by the growing segment of HNWI.
The upper middle class and above have made money on the real estate assets and stocks they bought prior to 2020. They also inherited.
The middle class will inherit from their deceased parents or will buy smaller properties
The poor will keep on renting investment properties from developers and the upper middle class.

Nothing will happen. Of course I am referring to stable geographies and not temporary instagrammer wannabes cities that have seen property prices increasing by two fold in 2 years. The downfall there will be dramatic once an actual liquidity crisis arises outside of the institutional banking system.
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ROFL you must be walking like a blind fool through the world.

Let's see what you will say next year when they implement the one time wealth tax and new inheritage tax.
You clearly have no clue how communist are working.
Sarah Wagenknecht a hardcore communist already being celebrated.
Greens where communists for decades.
SPD fully socialst now.
Lets see how great the middle class will have where the industry is running out of EU.
I saw in my youth time how communism works so i know exectly what is going to happen to the wealth of majority of people.
I agree with you that property investment could also lose value, can be wealth taxed etc etc. All I wanted to say that I do not expect the same to happen as with having Bitcoin which lost 66% of its value in less than a year. Not the best, but better than BTC with it religious followers. As a side remark, you talked about increasing mortgage payments, but that applies only to people who took mortgages with variable rates.
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I sold $PACW at $10.87, bought into $PYXS at $2.11. Pfizer bought $PYXS for 5mil at $2.7x. DYODD.
Another 40% play in a matter of days, counting $META trading at sub-90 late last year, the opportunities in the stock market are crazy right now. Bear markets are beautiful, the narrative-pushers must be making crazy amounts of bank. Sold $PYXS at $2.80+. Now back in $SOFI which saw a crazy amount of insider buying as well. Glad we left the “Stonks only go up” narrative so that the well-thinking people can make a buck.

Very accurate, always inverse ;-). Cobalt is another great example, was pushed like crazy for years and look where it's at now. Also moved out of copper once GS started touting their expectations.
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