CURRENXIE : Easiest opening for me, they offer multiple local bank accounts in different currencies. It saved after so long waiting for uae banks
Paysera : they had to change their validation process because it was wrong for Freezones companies but they fixed it (at least for mine). However, they regularly invalidate your
KYC questionnaires, ask for the same documents and may freeze your accounts during it but nothing long and major until now. They also have issue to wire money directly to UAE as they don't support AED and are not connected in all currencies to it.
WIO : is painless to open a bank account, it was validated and activates in a few hours/days. They offer multi currencies but all card payments are deducted from the aed account even if it's in USD or EUR abd you have some (personal accounts in wio deducts from the corresponding currencies without fees), currency rates are good but not the best and your swift account means additional fees for international payments in Europe for example. The company account also supports wage payments on WPS and
STRIPE payment for you invoices.
Depending where you customers are paying from it can be interesting to get a company having local accounts to your customers and then transfer money to a local account like WIO. It depends also how long you wanna wait for your payments to be on an account you own.