Banking needs for my UK company...

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1 - If it is a real bank and money in and out will be easy, I can leave 50000 USD to the bank.
I understand. It is not much but it can help.
2- When applying for EMIs, I showed my monthly turnover between 5-15K. Because I thought if I showed it high, they'd be afraid of me.
It was perhaps a mistake. Take into account that the amount of burden with KYC and other issues related to the onboarding and further account maintenance is practically the same for 10k and 80k turnovers but the profit from fx conversions and (sometimes, if no flat rate) even from payments is not the same.
and I don't want to get more than 5-10K USD per month on an EMI. Because I don't trust EMIs.
Of course, it is up to your sole discretion – but see below.
I am very comfortable in banks in Turkey. Even if they are going to close my account they are telling me to come and withdraw all my money.
According to Turkish law, if there is money in the bank account, the account cannot be closed.
Nice . (So, why you do not try to open an account for your UK Ltd in Turkey, if you are in a good standing with some banks there? Because of taxing, I presume?)
3- They call Wise the most reliable and famous EMI.
Totally incorrect. (You can search here at forums for a plenty of /true/ stories. OK, they are not second to evil but definitely not the most reliable.)
But they close your account, don't give your money for a long time and there is no one to contact.
Unfortunately, exactly.
Why should I trust EMIs?
Because not all the EMIs behave in this way. (BTW, it is the same with banks; they also differ a lot.)
4 - I'm talking about the bank's constant questioning of money at the entrance and exit, and the constant demand for documents, the never ending requests, sir.
Well, sorry – but you will not avoid it anywhere. It is the current reality.It can be better for small sums but it is not the core.
I don't think they will do that.
But you can give it a try (HSBC). (I personally do not think that they offer an excellent service but let's put it aside.)

Habibi, with $200k/month you should be in Dubai not in Turkey.
Yes, he can – but the question is whether he wants
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If profit is 2.5% on 200k that's only $5k profit.
That's super small profit margin.

In that case paying taxes + finding the way to make the profit 0.5% or less is the best way.
Try Blackthorn Finance | The home of global financial services they are awesome!
What's the difference between the two ?
The first one is a Gibraltar based bank. Actually lot of links on its website open so probably it's a branch office. Both sites offer multi currency account and usd too. Don't know which is more reliable for a UK Ltd company run by a non resident. Anybody has used these before?
Better to use uk high street bank bcoz every month volume
What's the difference between the two ?
The first one is a Gibraltar based bank. Actually lot of links on its website open so probably it's a branch office. Both sites offer multi currency account and usd too.
At the time of writing this (I have not re-checked now), Moneycorp Bank was a (small) bank at Gibraltar, Moneycorp was a (large and reputable) currency exchange & international payments provider – i.e., e.g. no payments to your account from 3rd parties; you was able just to exchange and send money. I am not familiar with the background but guessing that there was some connection between the two.
Don't know which is more reliable for a UK Ltd company run by a non resident.
Both are reliable but IMO only the former is fully usable as a transactional account.
Anybody has used these before?
Not personally. I did not hear anything bad.

Better to use uk high street bank bcoz every month volume
Wrt the issue you are commenting, you are right – but UK high street banks are reluctant to onboard LLCs with non-resident directors.
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