Hi guys! First post here
I´m a profesional player and my country of residence is Panamá. I´m a Bitcoin/Crypto investor too. The problem i have is that all the tradicional banks here in Panamá doesn´t allow me to create any account or move any money from the poker rooms and the crypto exchange. Idk why because the goverment have a good regulation for all the 2 activities. So i can´t work with Panamenian banks because of my profesion .
I want to know what are the best altertnatives to move my money from crypto exchanges and poker rooms (principaly crypto exchange like Kraken) to brokers like interactive brokers or simply to a bank account. I need account on Euros and dollars. I see a lot of online banks or EMI that works well but only allows US citizens or European citizen/residents (i´m from Spain but my tax residence is on Panamá)
I appreciate any idea or suggestion. Thanks a lot!
I´m a profesional player and my country of residence is Panamá. I´m a Bitcoin/Crypto investor too. The problem i have is that all the tradicional banks here in Panamá doesn´t allow me to create any account or move any money from the poker rooms and the crypto exchange. Idk why because the goverment have a good regulation for all the 2 activities. So i can´t work with Panamenian banks because of my profesion
I want to know what are the best altertnatives to move my money from crypto exchanges and poker rooms (principaly crypto exchange like Kraken) to brokers like interactive brokers or simply to a bank account. I need account on Euros and dollars. I see a lot of online banks or EMI that works well but only allows US citizens or European citizen/residents (i´m from Spain but my tax residence is on Panamá)
I appreciate any idea or suggestion. Thanks a lot!