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Bank of America is the Bank of Satan


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Dec 29, 2008
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Typing bankofsatan.com into a browser automatically redirects the user to the Bank of America home page, providing a convenient domain for all-things diabolical.

Late last year, Bank of America snapped up hundreds of abusive domain names for its senior executives and board members as a defensive strategy against the future publication of insider info from whistleblowing Website WikiLeaks.

While bankofamericasucks.com and bofasucks.com had already fallen into the hands of dissidents, the bank moved to buy up domains bearing the names of senior executives followed by derogatory terms such as 'sucks' and 'blows'.

The idea that the bank's Web address might become a holding page for the Great Satan himself seems to have somehow slipped the minds of the strategists in the Bank of America war room.

The Bank of Satan redirect was picked up by someone posting on the Reddit website, prompting a stream of incendiary comments, including: "Which is why I bought
http://www.****thebankofamerica.com like a month ago. Hopefully wikileaks releases stuff about them, and I can sell the domain for some easy money."
dancer said:
LoL Bank of Satan and Goldman *** - thats some cool domain names these guys bought :D
Yeah second that...
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