Bank in Europe where to open account quick for offshore?

As I said before, just start involving FKTK. They have fined Rietumu for millions before, the more complaints they get, the higher chances they will do that again.
Why don't you get the money transfered to a local bank account and pay the tax that may apply?
I think I understand what you need.
I m from my side looking for this kind of solutions because 7 closed account.
I m in process to open a borderless account at transferwise. To receive the balance of each account to the same name. If you find something less heavy and faster I would be pleased to hear
I have provided them an EU account on the name of the company BUT they DID NOT transfer the funds.
Asking for an EU account is just buying time.

Was the account you provided also in an OECD country?
Last request I saw from Rietmu was for the account to be in a country that is a member of both EU and OECD. Not sure if that is legal, but it is better to provide what they want and then argue afterwards if necessary once you have most of your money out
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