Bank in Europe where to open account quick for offshore?

it might be a challenge to open EU bank account for Seychelles nowadays
it seems to me, that you have only few options
try banks in Cyprus or some EMI (Mistertango, Leupay)
Paysera do not accept Seychelles anymore

do they accept any EU bank? last time Rietumu told me that it might be bank in OECD-member country and Cyprus is not among them according to wikipedia
OECD - Wikipedia

about month ago we have transfered money of our clients from Rietumu within small EMI with UK IBAN, but I am not sure that it works today
Is MisterTango legit? The site seems extremely unprofessional.
I registered there, but the site is screaming "We will freeze your money and take it". It is done very low quality, half of stuff is in Lithuanian.
LeuPay requires Certificate of Incumbency and that will take too long of a time to acquire.

>about month ago we have transfered money of our clients from Rietumu within small EMI with UK IBAN, but I am not sure that it works today

Which EMI did you use in UK?

What about ADVCash?
Why are you recommending this? Are you oblivious to fact that offshore company accounts are forbidden in Latvia now?
it looks like he has no idea what is going around

you may try 1) any bank in Cyprus (RCB, Bank of Cyprus, Hellenic etc.)
2) EMI with EU IBAN (Leupay, Mistertango)

also, I have heared that situation in Cyprus became similar to Latvia, but have no official confirmation about it yet
last week rumor has it, that Cyprus Central Bank established new regulations about offshore banking in Cyprus

manager in Rietumu has told me, that it is only one possible way to withdraw funds - bank account on the same name in EU and OECD country

P.S. thats all only my opinion based on information I have from Rietumu staff and my clients' experience
well I had a client with a Belize corp and a Rietumu account , we arranged an appointement with Privatbank last week and he got his account and transfered the funds
Is MisterTango legit? It looks super shady and the site is very low quality. They look like they are about to steal your money at any point.

I know many people from that forum use Mistertango without problems, but I have no personal experience
also, it supports only SEPA as I know (SWIFTs are not availible for now)

but Rietumu is a very fradulent institution
for sure, they may make up some fictional arguments not to send money to your new account

do not need to worry about Mistertango, you need to worry about Rietumu

but also, it's not common to receive more then few thousands to EMI account
for sure, they may make up some fictional arguments not to send money to your new account

Law requires them to send out the money, so if they don't do it, I can simply put FKTK in CC and they will change their tone real quick.

but also, it's not common to receive more then few thousands to EMI account

Well, what other options do we have? RB can just send whole amount, they don't split it.
I have provided them an EU account on the name of the company BUT they DID NOT transfer the funds.
Asking for an EU account is just buying time.
One moment they have asked me to agree with the following application:

In conjunction with the notification sent by the Bank on 19.03.2018, hereby I request the Bank to:- to
complete the procedure of the enhanced due diligence based on the documents and information, that is
at the disposal of the Bank at the moment of the signing of this application.- to deduct from the current
account and/or any other accounts in the Bank the remuneration of the Bank for the closure of the
accounts/transfers of the funds and any other payments, related to the provision of the services to the
Client in line with the Tariffs of the Bank, as well as to deduct the compensation for the risk in the
amount of EUR 5000.00;- to transfer the remaining funds and/or assets, that are held at the Bank in line
with the payment order forwarded by me, after signing of the given application;- after the transfer of the
funds and/or assets, to close all of the accounts in the Bank and to deem JSC "Rietumu Banka" and
Client Agreement (further – the Agreement) terminated. Likewise I hereby confirm, that - the only
obligation of the Bank is the carrying out of the actions mentioned above;- shall the transfer of the funds
and/or assets turn out to be impossible due to the reasons that do not depend on the Bank, the Client
undertakes to inform the Bank of the correct requisites;- from the moment of the provision of the order
for the transfer of the funds/assets all the obligations of the Bank in relation to the Client shall be
considered fulfilled;- the Client does not have and will not have any demands and /or claims in regard to
the Bank, its officials and employees; - all the complaints/claims/ appeals of the Client to the
Bank/regulator and to the third parties, in relation to the provision of the service by the Bank to the
Client, among others the completion by the Client of the procedure of the enhanced due diligence in the
Bank, shall be considered to be entirely regulated and resolved between the Bank and Client, or third
parties, attracted by the Client;- the client will observe the provisions of the confidentiality and the
non-disclosure, foreseen by the Agreement, among others, in relation to the completion of the procedure
of the enhanced due diligence and the communication with the Bank, and likewise Client will observe
the provisions of the confidentiality and non-disclosure after the termination of the Agreement;- the given
application is priority and final document in regard to the obligations of the Client towards the Bank that
arise from the legal relationship in line with the Agreement. Conditions, laid down in the application
prevail over the conditions of the agreements and arrangements that were signed or sent to the Bank by
the Client beforehand. Likewise, the application cancels any other arrangements, oral or written
between the Bank and the Client, Client and third parties in regard to the subject of the Agreement and
contains the complete agreement between the Bank and the Client. - the given application was drafted
and signed in the language clear to the Client, freely and without misconception, fraud or coercion.
Reactions: Samuel Newman
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