Bank Account without EU banking info?

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Oh well. As far I can see, it is Christoph Heuermann (&his friends) behind this service. Surprisingly, from the current English ( and German versions ( of this website this offer somehow disappeared. I remember English version as Staatenlos with Christoph Heuermann - Because your life is yours, for 600 EUR/900 EUR per private/company account, respectively; less than a year ago. Well, prices are growing everywhere
I was about to open an account in Georgia through them, they were responsive and everything was OK on their end.
Good to know, thanks for sharing. I also remember one guy satisfied with their service; it was mentioned here at forums.
Nevertheless, I see a little bit of misinformation at the page: Georgia is to enter CRS, 2023 or 2024 (the information changes over time).
Reactions: pedromaldonado
@IceAgeSid: BTW, do you remember what bank was their partner, when you were about to open an account? (And when it was – roughly?)
However I ended up cancelling my application as I forgot to send them an apostilled document and by then it was too late as my government limited access to courts to only those who had a Covid pass/QR code.
So you could still do it actually if you needed it.

Yeah, obviously you need a person you can trust to do the process. Or take a flight and do it by yourself. Cost will be similar.
Or you use the homeless guy method as discussed in details before here and in mentor group gold.
However I ended up cancelling my application as I forgot to send them an apostilled document and by then it was too late as my government limited access to courts to only those who had a Covid pass/QR code.
you can get it notarized anywhere, you just need to travel to do that!
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