Bank account in El Salvador

How can El salvador, which is a gang filled shithole, be compared to Singapore? I don't think it will ever be close to what Singapore has became.
Why would you want to open a bank account there let alone travel there?
Read again the comment

I felt the most danger I have ever felt in my life.
I don't like El Salvador and in my opinion his president is no different than those in places like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc... But as of today, El Salvador has a lower criminal rate than the US and most of the south American countries, that's a fact. So if being there is the most danger you have ever felt in your life then I assume you have never been in a dangerous places in the first place.

As a general rule, no one who doesn't know how to be smart on the street should visit LATAM unless they will be in places like Las Condes/Vitacura (Chile) or Pocitos (Uruguay)

Now going back to the topic: Whoever who wants to open a bank account in central america, should look for safer places because with a authoritarian government like the one from El Salvador which has a weak protection system, I wouldn't trust its banking system.
Reactions: jafo
Was it better priour to him or with him nowadays? What is it that you do you not like about the president then?

Try to take a country like El Salvador and install democrasy there prematurely.

Don't you contradict youself: "whoever" (anyone) and "I wouldn't" (you)?

In Canada, for instance, there supposedly had been good protection system. Until when no less a person their democratic PRESIDENT HIMSELF - Justin Trudeau - stole money from the drivers of the truck-movement in 2022.

Will you give me a siimilar example for UAE, Sauid Arabia, Russia, El Salvador?

USA and Europe stole, which were supposed to keep untouched no matter what, some of the Russian money.

UK stole some of the Venezuelan gold in 2020.
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Reactions: Rulentiy and jafo
Was it better priour to him or with him nowadays?
Was worst, criminal rates where 7x times higher on average

What is it that you do you not like about the president then?
That he is an authoritarian president in Latam, I have lived 25+ years in Latam and I know pretty well how dangerous could that be

Try to take a country like El Salvador and install democrasy there prematurely.
It's a democracy, how do you think he was elected in the first place?

Don't you contradict youself: "whoever" (anyone) and "I wouldn't" (you)?
No I don't, one thing is being mature enough to see progress in a place and another completely different thing is wanting to put money there. China is an example of an impressive progress that no one can deny but by no means I want to put my money there.

I mean if we want to go with extreme examples: If you plan to make a nation wide protests, just be aware that in El Salvador they won't take your money... They will just kill you and that's it because let's be real, your life is worthless in such situation and there is no need to waste national funds when a single shot is enough

USA and Europe stole, which were supposed to keep untouched no matter what, some of the Russian money.
That's easy to avoid, you just need to avoid voting for a president who wants to invade a country which for some reason is important for those countries where you have your money deposited.

UK stole some of the Venezuelan gold in 2020.
Tell me you don't know s**t about Latam without telling me
Even the shitholes of SEA (like Cambodia) are light years ahead of El Salvador in terms of safety and lack of violence.

That cultural difference is essential when trying to become the next Singapore. It's not gonna happen in El Salvador.

If it were possible to open an account online, I would do it, but like someone else said I wouldn't keep much money in it. Maybe some sort of account for non-essential shopping and traveling.
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