Hi guys, i found a broker who can open a bank account in Bulgaria, for marshall island company at Unicredit Bulgaria, but he says, there is new compulsory regulation in Bulgaria, which is a benefical owner must nominate a Bulgarian citicen who is responsible for all bank account transfers and closing account and transfering remaining funds. Do you know such an information or heard it before?
And other question is , which european bank do you suggest to open bank account for marshall island company for formal banking activities, online banking is a must, swift or sepa payments will be done, and debit or credit card is necessary, personal visit is not a problem, company busines sector is marine.
Best Regards
And other question is , which european bank do you suggest to open bank account for marshall island company for formal banking activities, online banking is a must, swift or sepa payments will be done, and debit or credit card is necessary, personal visit is not a problem, company busines sector is marine.
Best Regards