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Bank account for Offshore Company

It depends most often on the requirements to the offshore bank and the purpose of the bank account.

Actually we have a list of available banks here: <removed>

That said, some of them a terrible slow, so slow that we some times have to give up while others are pretty fast and offer all what the client requires.
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Most are going for the St.Vincent or Mauritius banks. They have less requirements in order to min. deposit.
I don't wish to have a bank that lures customer by their less requirement. I am looking for the supreme quality. If I say, I have plenty of resources, then which bank will be best in long terms?
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Go with a Swiss or Liechtenstein bank, that may accomplish what you are looking for. I must say that we have been satisfied with the service by Bank of Cyprus so with UBS Bank in Switzerland but also with several of the many other offshore banks around.