Bank Account for Marshall Islands Company?

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So we wait for your answers, Martin Everson asked you enough questions to check your legit ( we are all tired to see members crying because of being ripped off) But if you are legit , and can provide some new services here, so good luck . Again and it s another discussion, i will never put 1 euro in Bulgaria....
if you want to promote your business there is rules, it s not fair that CSP/Tax advisors pay for ads and you come for free
I think he's well within the rules. He replied to a relevant thread with a relevant potential solution. He does probably benefit from it, but I don't think there's a rule against that. He didn't spam or perform any hidden advertisement, as far as I understand those terms.

I believe the paying advertisers here are also free to do the same, and reply to any relevant topic offering their services, but they choose to be able to "spam" every thread using banners and create dedicated threads, and that's why they need to pay.
Reactions: Bmw850
You are right 100%. I explained my opinion before. But the way it has been done looked like a scam start up. If i m wrong , this guy will already receive my aplogizes.
In another way i hate the forums scammers, what can i do , i love the nice stories with 1 billion scam, less the ones for 2k euros
Hmm, found this in the bottom of the rules thread, looks like it's stricter than normal: "If you want to advertise, sell, post your contact details or anything on this forum that is direct or indirect sales related you have to upgrade your account".

Pretty all encompassing. Still not sure where his posts stand with this in mind, since previously service providers have been allowed to speak here freely, sometimes even on dedicated threads (opened by others).

It is only my personal opinion but you may just misunderstood the nature of his proposal. The documents he is requesting for pre-submission are not the ones you should be concerned to reveal info you particularily care about. The craftmanship is more important than its provenance.

If he has a chance to provide you with the info you want, a few hundred euros he is probably looking for is an acceptable risk to be taken by initial poster who already sunk 8k+ for his bearer shares.

Afterall having sepa account for M Island corp in the EU is a very good thing to have.
I am still waiting for his answers to my questions?

If he has a chance to provide you with the info you want, a few hundred euros he is probably looking for is an acceptable risk to be taken by initial poster who already sunk 8k+ for his bearer shares.

So its acceptable for OP to lose a few hundred euros to a Russian scammer? Ok that's his decision I guess.
Reactions: daxbr and Bmw850
I am still waiting for his answers to my questions?
He did answer most of your questions. @Admin banned him and deleted his messages. Needless to say, I disagree with the ban decision. I think this forum is missing out due to the "anything on this forum that is direct or indirect sales related" ban policy. Seems like a money-grab move and not to the benefit of the forum, but what do I know...
He did answer most of your questions

He didn't. He answered only 1 of my 6 questions i.e question no. 5. Why do you say he answered most? Your defending him like you know something about him the rest of us don't know .

I think this forum is missing out due to the "anything on this forum that is direct or indirect sales related" ban policy.

Missing out on having a Russian scammer.....ok . He didn't bother to answer 5/6 of the important questions.

Trust me no one would have benefited from him claiming to deliver the impossible. He is probably the same guy (Hans Hoffman) on the below thread. Got banned and came back
Because he did. You must have not had a chance to see it before it was deleted. @Bmw850 saw it too, if you need confirmation.

Apologies then if I missed the responses from today then . I saw only the ones from him yesterday.
I saw @Nyep . Even his answers sounds good without making any diligence from my side since i said a lot , that Bulgaria is a big NO.
Well i must say i feel a bit bad because my point was to check if he's legit or not, to avoid any possible scam, i didn't mean a ban. I will stay away and will keep my personal feeling for me next time
Well I guess we know now the forum rules on advertising in such a way. Perhaps if he is genuine then he will pay to advertise and everyone will get chance to use his services. However I still trust me spider-man senses on such persons and they have never failed me yet .

However too late to cross examine him...damn.
@Bmw850 :Why would Bulgaria a big no for banking? ING operates there for example.
Wow you really felt on the bad discussion with me .
First of all , i got several differents businesses. With this experience ( mine ) , i can categorize Bulgaria in my top 3 of the scam people . Sorry for Bulgarian people here, but it s a fact. I don't make a general rule but i will never sell nothing to this country.
ING?? First it s not the ING you know, it s a private bank that use the ING name. And in this case i have been really ripped by the ING Bulgaria ( 322k e) it was 4 years ago.
Reactions: Martin Everson
Well I guess we know now the forum rules on advertising in such a way
Like I said repeatedly (you're welcome to check my forum history and see that I've attempted to defend ALL service providers that got banned or near-banned), in my humble opinion, this policy is bad for the forum and only good for admin's pocket. Members can easily make informed decisions about who is a scammer, especially with folks like @Martin Everson around to cast huge shadows of doubt over anything anyone ever says .

Real spammers should obviously be banned immediately, no one questions that.
Reactions: Bmw850
No offence. Just asking. I know Bulgaria is kind of rogue. ING in Bulgaria is part of the ING bank in the Netherlands.
It s not my remembers but well if you say. I got ING Belgium since 8 years, they are TOP! When i asked them for help with another account and company in Bulgaria they answered me , ING BULGARIA is driven differently.
When i came in Bulgaria to keep back my money i can ensure you they have not acted like a bank, not like ING , but more like Mafia, including threats .
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