Avoid Wise crypto deactivation


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Mar 30, 2022
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I want to regularly move EUR in Wise account to binance. As I understand they block people and ask purpose-of-payment questions if you send various amounts to different people frequently (as would be the pattern with p2p, even without reference).

What do you think would happen if I made an invoice with the other party for some design services (which never existed obviously) or something and present it if asked. The amounts in question are <5k eur monthly.

I cannot get another EMI as I only have ru passport. I can try to use advcash in between (which I already have verified) and avoid p2p altogether but it has 3.65% fee for deposit via card and SEPA is disabled in their ru accounts (they require different country ID to enable it).

I realize this is basically fraud but can't see them uncovering it easily tbh.
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What do you think would happen if I made an invoice with the other party for some design services (which never existed obviously) or something and present it if asked. The amounts in question are <5k eur monthly.
I don't know. But will the other party be willing to do whatever may be required from them? Or do you mean you'd create an invoice and sign it on behalf on them?
I don't know. But will the other party will be willing to do whatever may be required from them? Or do you mean you'd create an invoice and sign it on behalf on them?
That depends on what is required from them.. Are they gonna contact the other party somehow? I intertained the idea of just contacting some of the guys on p2p there (should be willing cuz more business, more p2p rep). But if they are not gonna contact them then why bother.
I tried bankera (saw ppl here suggesting it), they said to get lost Wise also doesn't register new accounts with RU passports so it seems to be pretty widespread trend.
There're 2 EMI-s in the world then?
Why are you asking about using Wise if you claim that they won't allow you to register with them in the 1st place? And if you already have a Wise account, why the question?

Is it "Russian passport" or rather "Russian resident" who some EMI-s won't allow?
There're 2 EMI-s in the world then?
Why are you asking about Wise if you claim that they won't allow you to register with them?

Is it "Russian passport" or rather "Russian resident" who some EMI-s won't allow?
As I said, I don't know of any other EMI that can be tried with russian passport. If you do know them, please share.

My wise registration is based on proof-of-residence in EU but its an edited utility bill from a friend (and my own real passport). They won't allow new registration with such a passport (no matter what proof of residence) after their sanctions response. I am not physically in russia if that matters but rather in Armenia nearby.
Where is it written that with "russian passport" one won't be allowed to sign up? Nowhere.

Ох уж эти паникёры.

Again, why are you conserned if you already have a Wise account?

What other EMI-s would allow you to sign up with russian passport? No idea. Perhaps "russian passport" and "russian passport + russian resident" are different matters. Not?

Have you actually tried doing what you advocate doing? Because someone I know did (like 3 days ago) and the sequence was:

- You open an account somewhere that is not-russia, this country is now in your profile.
- You go to verify for card (they require ID) and submit your RU passport.
- They reject it because its not issued in the country you chose during registration (attached to your profile).
- Alternatively you can select russia in your profile and get instant letter about account closure (this part I tried myself)

Admittedly I have not seen this page before but I doubt anything changed in 3 days. This is not the matter at hand in this thread anyway

> Again, why are you conserned if you already have a Wise account?

I am concerned not about opening it but about them freezing my account if I buy crypto via p2p which has happenned numerous times to people around here. That's why my question is about invoices

UPD: I can’t sign up for Wise in Russia | Wise Help Centre Are you kidding me? It says right there that they won't accept russian govt IDs, and you cropped this part on your screenshot.
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You are really over-thinking this. 5000 EUR is nothing. And if you sent money to random people to buy bitcoin you will be fine. Just dont sent money to exchanges.

Also seems like if you already have an account on Wise with Russia passport its fine IF you are resident in a supported country. And then going forward they will not accept new sign ups with Russia passports.

UPD: I can’t sign up for Wise in Russia | Wise Help Centre Are you kidding me? It says right there that they won't accept russian govt IDs, and you cropped this part on your screenshot.

If you are already Wise customer with Russia passport and Non-Russia address then you will be fine, I think that's what he means ;-)
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I appreciate the support but seeing buncha people writing "My own wise is blocked so send to mom's friend girlfriend" in the binance p2p order description says otherwise Maybe they just do it too often but idk.

I really cant afford to lose this account cuz that's the one I get my salary with (with ru 80% incoming conversion bulls**t I cannot use ru banks anymore). I guess that's the main point - if it's such an important account then I shouldn't risk it with p2p and just pay advcash 3.5% fee.

Still interested in thoughts on invoice scheme. As one member here would say "feed those clowns what they want to see"

UPD: Also just asked another guy who was blocked (later unblocked after providing docs), he had 5+ small transactions a day for ~2k euro.
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Reactions: AlphaOmega888
UPD: Also just asked another guy who was blocked (later unblocked after providing docs), he had 5+ small transactions a day for ~2k euro.
This is a signifikant amount of money for a private Wise account.
People still do not get the point of a Wise account: It is thought for sporadic international transfers of small amounts. A Philippine OFW who wants to send home USD 250.-/month to support his family; somebody wanting to settle a government bill of a few Dollars to receive his police clearance at the other end of the world; ....
Guys, get real: Wise is not for people who move "big" money. And "big" can be quite small when it comes to an EMI like Wise!
UPD: I can’t sign up for Wise in Russia | Wise Help Centre Are you kidding me? It says right there that they won't accept russian govt IDs, and you cropped this part on your screenshot.
You're right - no russian ID permitted - from now on, or at least for now.
I see.

However, there're some alternative documents and IDs, for verification, which aren't that hard to obtain in other countries. Not too easy as tourist visa, but not too hard either.

Or use a new identity.
What kind of new identity? One created in photoshop? Wouldn't that deemed criminal act?
Or real one from other country (driving licence, or residency card...) but with the same name on it?
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Still wasting time with Wise? Use it until it works, sooner or later every account will have a problem. Once it no longer works, move elsewhere. Or use a new identity.
Still wasting because nobody can offer anything better haha. It's not like I have a lot of choice with this passport. Faking docs seems to be the only option but I'd rather not get into it more than I already have with that utility bill
Just a random thought about invoice: If I have a personal (not business) account, I shouldnt receive money unless its salary or from friends right? So invoice even if presented will look suspicious in this instance. Or am I misunderstanding?
Just a random thought about invoice: If I have a personal (not business) account, I shouldnt receive money unless its salary or from friends right? So invoice even if presented will look suspicious in this instance. Or am I misunderstanding?
Nah, many countries banks will let you use your personal account for running a small one person shop. Like freelancing or some buying and selling etc.
But emphasis on small / one person shop. Check with your residence on file and how they see it.