Asset Protections. Dubai is no longer safe. BUGATTI CONFISCATED and SENT back to ROMANIA! (LOL)!

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Yup of course there are elites that are pushing agendas to maintain / create a slave class.

But the idea he's in prison because of Duh maytwix sounds too far fetched to me.

He probably pissed of someone in Romania, probably by becoming wealthier and trying to extract his cash from the country to Dubai.
Reactions: Jorozey
Eastem countries don't go for reach people.To much trouble and exposing of the still communist system.
They clearly got an order to do so.
Only questions remains from who ?
However seeing how they have been attacked in the US even in schools leaves no doubt who wants to teach them a lesson.
Romanian people have no diffrent opinion than tate since most east european countries are very conservative and old fashioned.
Reactions: jafo and Jorozey
The obvious would be Romanian mafia that he is bound to have acquainted with through webcams, casino and whatever business he attempted there.

Maybe I'm wrong but this duh maytwix stuff seems to me just a good narrative and story to run with.
The obvious would be Romanian mafia that he is bound to have acquainted with through webcams, casino and whatever business he attempted there.

Maybe I'm wrong but this duh maytwix stuff seems to me just a good narrative and story to run with.
Would it be the mafia it would be to much PR and they would destroy his business instead his reputation
Also mafia in eastern europe doesn't attack out of nowhere.They first come and try to make a deal.
Webcams are no business field for mafia.
They focus on oil,drugs,cigarettes,alcohol,prostetutes in brothel (not the private ones) and stolen cars .
Of course the real old mafia is already big in local stock markets
F*ck that guy. Acting like a teenager on Twitter has huge consequences.

I doubt he's still a US citizen because of worldwide taxation.
Please, may I kindly ask you to keep this thread clean and keep your sentiment to yourself? If being less emotional is not possible, there are such platforms as Instagram/TikTok where you can feel free to express yourself.
Reactions: jafo and PinkCat
that's what i thought 20 years ago about germany.....netherland is no diffrent as any other european communist country
Thats true, i mean everybody know that the netherlands are the biggest tax payers for the EU and that while we the smallest country lol.
The whole EU is corrupt but they really need evidance here before they grab you, they also NEEED to show you it. Thats why i think there is so much more going on and its not the fake victims
Reactions: jafo
Everythink depends how badly they want to destroy you.As bigger their demand as less evidence they need.
I saw big companies being destroyed by governments because owners were not part of their club and there was nothing they could do.

I mean germany for example.People always telling me the best democracy in the world and a great court system.
I'm always laughing so loud because even german international arrest warrants have no power outside of germany as other countries do not accept these automaticly from german courts with the explanation that german courts are bound by instructions and not legal system.
I guess that tells everything about the german court system.

The guy who got his 250 million company destroyed won the case after 10 years.Of course they freezed all his assets at the beginning so his company was quickly out of market.
He opened a case to get compensation for false alegations by the tax department.
He won the case and received a miserable 2.5k euro and this is no joke.
The jurisdiction was a european one within the EU.

His company was about electronical tills.

Europe is being run by communists and they are revealing their real face more and more to the public

Anyways based on data netherland will be one of the few european countries which will do fine.Actually netherland will do best of all european countries.
What got my attantion is the brutality of the dutch police which was quite shocking.I mean i'm myself currently in an ex communist country were police is known to be dump and violant but what dutch police did was quite shocking.Would it happen here police stations would burn.

Here the project for netherland + belgium + small part of germany "tristate city"

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Damn, i did not even know this. I don't even know what to say about the tristat city, really amazed by it because it makes to much sense.
But about the dutch police, bro i can tell you all about it mann..
Been in jail for a month and they siezed all my money and all the things with value in my house, just to say a month later like " sorry wrong guy ".
Everything they siezed was damaged too and i only got like 15% of the money back they siezed, they are the real thieves. I went to court for it and it took like 1.5 year before i all my money back plus for the damages and for being in jail as wrong suspect for a month
Reactions: jafo