Anywhere in the Med (EU) to rent long-term without becoming tax resident?

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I don't know about France or Italy, but Spain does not consider you tax resident just for having a home there, only if it is the center of your vital interest.
But of course, Spain may claim it's the center of your vital interest and they will also count "sporadic absences" as days spent in country (for example, you spend 2 months in Spain, 1 month in the US, 2 months in Spain, 1 month in Thailand, 1 month in Spain) - now they can say you have spent 6 months in Spain and will be tax resident.

But if it's really only a vacation home and you mostly live in one other country where you have another home and you are tax resident there etc. - then Spain should not consider you tax resident, even under their own laws. And if there is a treaty, the treaty should offer additional protection.

But then the question is, do you really want that risk?
I would also recommend having a family member buy or rent the place, someone who really lives in another high tax country full time. And then you just use their place sometimes...
If you check his message and the title

The case to me is quite clear. Long-term house for 10-15k per month. We are not talking about some vacation apartment for 500 in the middle of nowhere. And we are not talking about spending a few weeks there. It is very high risk. VHR!

But then the question is, do you really want that risk?
I would also recommend having a family member buy or rent the place, someone who really lives in another high tax country full time. And then you just use their place sometimes...
Yes, that's what you normally do in this case. Until @bizman got angry at me. Any idea why he would not recommend doing this? I am really trying to see why.
Just move on from it. I have had shitty replies from some members here also.
Reactions: daniels27
Rent in Monaco - 0% tax risk. Many people rent there even without being resident. For 10-15k month budget you will get pretty nice rental.
That is the problem. You no longer get a nice rental for 10-15k pm in MC, if you want a 100m2+ apt. (please don't judge merely by website listings, they are misleading by omitting many important nuisance factors that make life at least annoying, if not unbearble).

As far as I understand his question

I think he is planning to have it long-term.
Correct and use it as home. Otherwise i may indeed just use hotels and airbnb. Moving stuff around or using other people's stuff (even basic stuff like bed) is becoming annoying. Nobody buys best stuff for rentals....

Agree with you on the family.
But disagree on the homeless guy thesis. Imagine for a myriad of random reasons the homeless guy wises up he is a de jure a legal tenant of a nice villa. Imagine the nice villa has a lot of my belongings. What next? He shows up with someone / police and claims all my stuff and valuables? I never understand why such arrangements are offered. Only if you just literally rent a fully-furnished villa and use it without any of your (valuable) belongings or documents inside, since you know someone could legally enter your premises...
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Is Cyprus the best place for digital nomads under the 60 day rule?

Places like Paraguay are good but it is well known to be slightly dodgy so if you have a hard case to prove you have left your country there going to check more.

Cyprus also has that slight dodgy feel.
Yeah Cyprus is good. They don’t really give AF from my experience experience being there.

See my reply here:

The question is not what the "best place" is. The question is who is coming after you and why.
Reactions: daniels27
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