Anyone had experience with the new "Paraguay Temporary Residency" procedure?

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According to the paraguay migrations law 6984 from october 18th 2022, now you need TR to apply for PR. However, the specific requirements for the PR are yet to be added, in 6 month's time from october 18th.. Is getting TR a straightforward, or have they gotten more difficult? Have you recieved your 'Cedula's yet? If you have any experience, please kindly share. I intend to take a visit to Paraguay before Febuary.
I was annoyed about this as I came here just two weeks after the changes, but it was really fast I started my TR process around November 5th got my cedula by December 14th or so ( I pay a bit extra to get it faster normally takes a month) Tomorrow I am getting TAX ID and soon DL too. You can do the same things than with PR it just doesn't last that long I hope the requirements to get the PR are not too complicated.
Thanks for the reply! I've just got to ask, is paying for the 'extra fee' a common practice there in Paraguay? I've heard that there were similar fast-tracks back in the Direct-PR days. Maybe I should consider it too, I really do need that Cedula quickly...
I think is quite normal if you have someone with the contacts, no if you randomly go offering money, the gestoria that did it for me asked me for 300 dollars to get the cedula faster and I think they do it regularly. Now I am doing the other stuff with another gestor he can get my other stuff sorted that the other gestoría didn't offer me.

Btw you have to be careful as is lots of scams going on here.
Yes, you need to be careful about choosing the right "Gestor". I have met people who paid for the process but had to find a second agent to complete it. Paraguay is very unpredictable in this regard, Paraguayans often lie to people here, especially foreigners.
Today, the Migration Office issues temporary residence permits. The regulation of the law governing permanent residences is not yet complete. It is expected to be ready in the first half of February. In any case, if you are not an investor, you must first obtain a temporary residence with Cédula.
The process itself is simpler in some steps. For example, it is not necessary to obtain a certificate from a doctor about mental and physical health. It is also no longer mandatory for people without a college degree to make a $5,000 deposit.

I personally know a international company that provides temporary residences and they know how to quickly issue a Cedula. They will also arrange a tax number and a basic bank account in Guarani. Feel free to write if necessary. I will give you their contact.
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How long is the temporary residence permit valid?
Can I use it to declare a tax residence?
Do I have to stay in the country the whole time for it to remain valid?
Thanks for your information! And yes, it would be nice if you left me a contact. Thanks again in advance.
DM me the contact I am interested.
so tax residence is after 2 years?
and how do you get a 2nd passport or is it not necessary with current benefits?
To be clear becoming a parag tax resident your birth country cannot make claims? ( considering you are not there or under the treshold)
I am also interested in the contact? I saw several on youtube but hard to know they are legit...
No, tax residency is after you get your cedula, I had been here for like 3 months now and already have my tax id and bank account (only works inside Paraguay and can't get international transfer for now). To get rid of your tax residency you need to contact some tax advisor or accountant in your country as each country has it's requirements to this.
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Tax residency depends on the country of which you are a citizen. For example, the tax residence of Hungarian or US citizens is tied to their citizenship. But other states have it conditional on permanent residence or territory (Paraguay).
This means that Paraguay only taxes income that was earned in the territory of Paraguay.
By obtaining a residence in Paraguay, you will receive a Cédula. That's not a passport. You are not a citizen of Paraguay, but a resident of the country. With a residence, you receive all the benefits, but you have to meet other criteria for tax residence.
I will send you the contact.
Capitalist, I have almost all my stuff sorted here except for an international bank account, do you know any contact that helps with that? I only went to a bank but they told me to do it I need to be a client in the bank for like 6 months.
I read for PR (after 2 years with TR) you now need more substance: business, real estate... It's not so straightforward anymore as it used to be.
Reactions: RealDude
Where did you read that? I think there's no regulations about it yet.
"However, if the client wishes to apply for Paraguayan Permanent Residence later, during this two year period they should demonstrate substance behind the residence application. The easiest ways to do so would either be to form a company or buy real estate in the country."
Reactions: RealDude
I checked a bit in the official website and social media from the government and couldn't find any information about the new regulations for permanent residency. I would wait for official news from the government to be sure is like that. I like this country but is lots of misinformation about everything.
but in order to create substance (company/living) one should eventually rent there something no? i hear everyone telling you dont even need to be in the country once every x years but with this it doesn't hold or am i wrong?
And do they inform your country?
I know is people getting proof of address to create bank accounts, tax id without rent anything and it sort of work. I read about it but I am not 100% sure as I decided to rent something and stay here for 6 months. I don't think they inform to your country is a non crs country for now and not really an organized country at all.
I didn't find anything official from the government about the new regulations for PR, might ask a gestor this week.
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