Any Euro Pacific Bank Review?


Active Member
Feb 26, 2017
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I hope to get to know your personel experience with Euro Pacific Bank, is it a trusted bank?
do you have an account?
If so, since when and what kind of account?
can I make a full account online?
How much money are willing to keep in this bank?
What about fee and taxs?
I'm not From US or EU, what is the min depost ?
any better bank than EPB?
thanks in advance for your review.
I can provide some feedback based on personal experience:

1. It is a basic bank for a personal account. No interest but monthly maintenance fee. Transfer in and out is OK, but it is a bit convoluded. I do not like how it seems to be a bit clunky in terms of having to enter capcha phrase on login, and some of the buttons look primitive. To transfer funds in you have to send them a message advising them first. There is no web app, and the website is pretty basic. Fees for transfers are pretty high compared to other banks.

2. EPB Brokerage account - I would not recommend. Transaction details are confusing, going through the log - it reads more like a technical log rather than a financial one. Fees are high, and I swear the handling of dividends is not terribly is hard to reconcile numbers. Also no mobile app. Access to the world's markets are good, but price refresh is slow. Based on SaxoBank platform, which personally does not really wow me.

3. Much more intrusive application process including phone/skype interview. But once it is approved, you are assigned a personal banker. So nice personal touch.

Personally, I think there are other better options out there with regards to interface, ease of use, fees, etc. But as for a first offshore bank, you can apply remotely, the minimums are pretty low and for the safety of your money, it is assured that the bank won't go under based on risky leveraging, etc.
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actually you can find many reviews about them on this forum.

For the time being at least...I have no doubt, given the recent assault on offshore banking, that they will eventually fall into line.
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Is anyone aware of any "work-arounds" for US citizens to develop a relationship with Euro Pacific Bank? Do offshore LLC/IBCs work?
Please excuse me if this has been addressed in another post. I'm new to OCT and haven't found this item specifically. Thanks.
The Euro Pacific Bank will not accept applications from US or Caribbean citizens… this includes where the directors or beneficial owner of a LLC/IBC are US/Caribbean. If you want a work-around you would be better getting a formation agent who offers a "fully managed" package where your name does not appear anywhere… you could add in a hybrid or foundation to own the company (or be a guarantor) to distance you further, in which case the company could probably get a EPB account but, to be honest, a US citizen would find it easier to get an account with another account
It was that way from the very beginning when they started offering their banking service! NO US CITIZENS!!! it's a little overkill with such a huge setup just for an Euro Pacific bank account don't you think so?
I just opened an account with them (activation confirmed, waiting for login details now).

Now I see that ALL kinds of bank transfer INTO my account needs an intermediary bank.
Most of my banks dont support this.

So far I thought, their SWIFT is good for at least one currency (direct transfer).

OK ... in their guidelines they say, it is possible to transfer directly but with a risk:

"If for any reason you cannot specify our Intermediary Bank, you may omit our Intermediary Bank, and thereby acknowledge that the sending bank must retrieve the correct intermediary route from the SWIFT system. By omitting our Intermediary Bank, you risk that your funds are routed to an incorrect or outdated Intermediary Bank"

In addition, one need to fill a form and send beforehand, if you have third party payments.

Now I understand why people say, this bank is complicated to use.

I am thinking if I should try another bank.
By family conditions, I cannot travel at the moment, so I can only remotely open an account.

Any hint?


intersting, did you make an account as a individual or business and what other banks do you have in mind?