any eu bank with euro iban that allow euro withdraw \ deposit from ftx

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Can you disclose which Swiss banks are you using? Only if you opened the accounts in the last 2-3 years
Re: Plutus (not Plutos)
Website on Italian domain, company registered in Portugal, providing accounts with IBANs on behalf of UK EMI (Clear Junction Ltd.) and cards on behalf of Lithuanian EMI (UAB "Finansinės paslaugos "Contis")...
Well... (Why not? But it really calls for a deeper investigation.)
This is an interesting point of view on bankera. I have the feeling that the main bankera's business is to take an onboarding fee and then decline an account opening.
I'm not against of "personal" relations, but their support is bad and this message "Bankera should be able to solve users problems without users having to hunt for help on online forums." is so true...
we really need ftx \ binance \ \ coinbase \ kraken \ kucoin\ gemini \ nexo \ celsius \ etc etc etc any other big exchange to start let us get personal iban under our name
sure one day it will be done in digtal euro that just works \ banks will stop being so bad to anything crypto
but untill then we need iban from a big crypto exchange
SwissBorg gives you that and aggregates major exchanges
Bankera sucks

Swissborg don't have it... They have same thing as when you deposit you have iban under you name...

But I dont care wirteing refrance when I deposit most bank don't care about withdraw to crypto exchange.. they only care about deposit from crypto exchange

What I need is sending euro sepa from account under my name.. and no one have it..

You need to withdraw euro to your bank account and from your bank account send euro it takes time and when you want to do even 5k withdraw the bank don't accept it because it's come from crypto exchange.. even if the crypto exchange is fully legal eu and kyc ... The bank wants so many documents and they freeze your account..

I don't want to deal with this bulls**t everytime I need to send some one money and he's dont / can't use crypto

Yea sure if you have alot of money I understand the bank wants documents (all tho it's not there job to do it.. all they need to do is just report ids to the government.. and the government/police job is to find criminals.. not the banks) but sure if you have alot of money I get why they ask for 50 documents.. but for 5k.. like what is this nonsense..

The funny part I can't even get them what they want.. crypto exchanges don't have pdf with account statement

JonhnyDoe tells you true maybe before complaining try to use it ? Send those money to bank account. With Swissborg you will get "virtual IBAN" the same IBAN will be used to recive and send money. Virtual IBANs are B2B solutions, virtual IBAN corresponds with company bank account that company segregates those data. For EUR they will give you MT.... IBAN For CHF they give you CH... .
Only one thing that you can not do is to create own payment title they will assign something to you like "SW withdrwal 323494ds23" but fund looks like comes from your account.

... and bank care about depositing to crypto exchange because if people are getting hacked 1st thing that is being done is transfer to crypto exchange and gooone. (people are being targeted by fake shipping sites / fake bank sites etc. many of them end on crypto exchange if many people will be targeted you will be flagged)
Is the virtual-IBAN available to all users or just to those with EU residence?
Bit update looks like only with Euro you have your own virtual IBAN (in Malta) for CHF they are using external solution in UK anyway in reference number is your name in comunication field so anyway I have got transfer on account that allows "only from own bank account transfer"
swissborg iban cannot be used for real

you can only deposit from your name and you can only withdraw to your name
its useless

same as

i am searching iban under my name that i can send and receive euro from any one and send euro to anyone
not only from myself to myself..

bankra sucks its just bad + 0.5% of deposit and 0.5% of send of total amount
i dont think it should be legal to take 1% on every sepa transaction it should be free or idk 1 euro flat or something
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nuri is the same bank as vivid

they legit ban me becouse i sent 5k euro from ftx to my vivid I needed to send my family some money I owe them and they don't have any crypto binance account... They need regular bank euro transfer

got blocked in both nuri and vivid as well from any other Solarisbank

stay away from them
they ask for 654645 documents i sent them evreything that i could have get and transfer 99% of my money i had with them into binance immediately and after they wanted more and more and more documents never ending for whole month and in the end they told me well not good enoughe and they send the litle euro i had left with them into my iban
i have revlout also.. but im sure they just like vivid ad the secend i will deposit euro from ftx binance etc into them boom im banned
i didnt do anything ilgeal or anything.. all i wanted is to buy and sell bitcoin in legal kyc platform...

and my real bank dont even allow me to deposit into binance or ftx or etc..
they legit block the iban of them..
so probaly they block deposit from them also.. and if not then they going to treet me like crazy becouse ho boy crypto no no no no
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i didnt do anything ilgeal or anything.. all i wanted is to buy and sell bitcoin in legal kyc platform...
You can go around with of your choice send money to EMI and from EMI to crypto exchange. Then back to that EMI with gains and back to bank. Is impossible to find offshore bank that will ask 0 questions and be safe to store 1k+ .

You can go around try that:
at least you can see what is required where (I have not used them so I don't recomed it but is cool to see what you can get in this offshore industry)

PS: Nuri sucks big time
Reactions: Forester
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