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Any crypto wallet available to schedule monthly payment to same address?


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Mentor Group Lifetime
Apr 15, 2009
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I'm looking for a crypto wallet where I can set up a fixed transfer every month to the same crypto address, just like you can with a bank account.

Does such a thing exist? I'm tired of missing some recurring payments every day, which I would naturally prefer to make in crypto.
I'm looking for a crypto wallet where I can set up a fixed transfer every month to the same crypto address, just like you can with a bank account.

Does such a thing exist? I'm tired of missing some recurring payments every day, which I would naturally prefer to make in crypto.
afaik this is not easily possible with common solutions idk any wallet which can do it.

However setting this up with own code is not that hard either. What chain is concerned?

All it needs is a 24/7 machine, a timer functionality, private key for signing the transactions (the solution will only be as secure as the machine, so best not storing too much funds in such a thing).
But thats just a broad overview, the detailed thing is gonna be more complex.

since you bring up the analogy with a bank, maybe a crypto exchange can do this as well. But idk any cex which has this option.
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Thank you for your answer and help, it is primary LTC & USDT ?

I'm not good in any programming :(
Thank you for your answer and help, it is primary LTC & USDT ?

I'm not good in any programming :(
in general you need any kind of runtime environment that replaces you as a person triggering the transaction - which obviously comes with the need for private keys to be available to such a setup
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Is it possible to use locktime to postdate the transactions, sign them all and then use a cronjob to submit them using any external broadcast transaction tool?

Trezor has a good description here

I mean of course, there could be some wallet that had your private keys and does it for you, but who would want to hand over their private keys for that.
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My idea was to deposit a few hundred or 500 or so, that's sufficient for the stuff I have going for 4 months... so yes, I'm willing to deposit that money in a wallet.
OP do you tried some of them, I'm curious since I have bills to be paid every month and can do it in crypto if I want the right wallet.??
How about using Rapid API in combination with a cron job / Windows scheduled task?

curl --request POST 
    --url https://litecoin-wallet.p.rapidapi.com/transaction 
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    --header 'x-rapidapi-host: litecoin-wallet.p.rapidapi.com' 
    --header 'x-rapidapi-key: Sign Up for Key' 
    --data '{"fromUTXO":[{"txHash":"53faa103e8217e1520f5149a4e8c84aeb58e55bdab11164a95e69a8ca50f8fcc","index":0,"privateKey":"cVX7YtgL5muLTPncHFhP95oitV1mqUUA5VeSn8HeCRJbPqipzobf"}],"to":[{"address":"2MzNGwuKvMEvKMQogtgzSqJcH2UW3Tc5oc7","value":0.02969944}]}'
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