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Any banks left with private bankers who will go beyond in order to help you? Like the stereotypical swiss banker decades ago.


Member Plus
Aug 15, 2023
Basically, I have came across many lazy, cocky, or non-responsive private bankers, even though my account balance is pretty significant to gain their attention.

I was wondering if anyone knows banks in which the bankers actually care about you as a client, like the stereotypical Swiss bankers back in the day. Bankers that can assist in purchases, connections, special requests etc...
I've been around since the Wegelin, BSI, "numbered accounts" days etc etc and those people are extinct now. I don't know a single one anymore! After the Bradley Birkenfeld fiasco, they ALL disappeared or became holier than the Pope (or pretend they are stupi#21 ). One told me that compliance has a tight grip on them.

Now, it's us & crypto vs. "all kinds of asinine rules to rob us under the color of law" :rolleyes:
Depends on what you expect. Some things of old are just historical artifacts at this point.

LGT, Bank of Singapore, JPMorgan, and Goldman Sachs might be what you're looking for.

In the GCC region, you can get a phenomenal level of personal service if you're worth a few million, shake the right hands, and say the right words.
The only such guy I found in the last 10 years works in Cité Gestion.
There was also another good guy in Credit Suisse but now he moved to EFG and I don’t know how much he can do there as a newcomer.
All the other good bankers are no longer working as bankers.
In theory UBS private has a sort of “private circle” where you can make connections, co-invest with other UBS clients on different projects vetted by the bank etc. In practice it doesn’t work so well as you have to deal with the bank’s compliance machine and bureaucracy.
Forget these guys! Their compliance is pretending to be holier than the Pope! Although, some of the original Swiss working there as bankers are great people. One in particular is a lovely good-hearted & honest banker, but he can't do much due to compliance and legal.
In theory UBS private has a sort of “private circle” where you can make connections, co-invest with other UBS clients on different projects vetted by the bank etc. In practice it doesn’t work so well as you have to deal with the bank’s compliance machine and bureaucracy.
100% this! I gave up on this last year! Too much social & political correctness for my taste! As I get older my patience with these "fakers/ignorant monkeys" is waning. stupi#21

There is a great Swiss bank I still use, but I won't disclose the name here. If anyone wants to know, you can ask in the DM or I can post it in Mentor Group Gold. Of course, do your OWN research when dealing with ANY bank.
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RBC and CIBC in Cayman are very helpful with connections etc.
I will look into it. Can anyone open an account or preferably only Cayman residents?
LGT, Bank of Singapore, JPMorgan, and Goldman Sachs might be what you're looking for.
I have an account at JP Morgan but for the 10mil minimum , the level of service is mediocre. Could be because each banker is assigned a ton of clients. I heard about LGT, I will try that next.
In the GCC region, you can get a phenomenal level of personal service if you're worth a few million, shake the right hands, and say the right words.
I am assuming this can't be arranged just walking into any branch. Is it usually through referal?

The only such guy I found in the last 10 years works in Cité Gestion.
This is what I am looking for. I will contact them. What is minimum balance? And do you only keep your money in a regular account or you opt in for all those wealth management products they offer?
There is a great Swiss bank I still use, but I won't disclose the name here. If anyone wants to know, you can ask in the DM or I can post it in Mentor Group Gold. Of course, do your OWN research when dealing with ANY bank.

Would you be able to DM me the name please?
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Already sued them smi(&% They are horrible in Switzerland
Ohh...so it's probably thanks to you that they treated me fairly.
I don’t know abroad but I guess not much difference.
Everywhere the same. Also in Monaco. In Monaco, they will NOT even reply to emails. I had to bust into their office with some regular Monégasque residents for them to wake up and do what they're paid to do. Very annoying!

EDIT: Bust in means physically showing up.
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I will look into it. Can anyone open an account or preferably only Cayman residents?

I have an account at JP Morgan but for the 10mil minimum , the level of service is mediocre. Could be because each banker is assigned a ton of clients. I heard about LGT, I will try that next.

I am assuming this can't be arranged just walking into any branch. Is it usually through referal?

This is what I am looking for. I will contact them. What is minimum balance? And do you only keep your money in a regular account or you opt in for all those wealth management products they offer?

Would you be able to DM me the name please?
Anyone can open with Private Banking in Cayman - $1M US minimum, must live in approved country.
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Anyone can open with Private Banking in Cayman - $1M US minimum, must live in approved count

what is the approved country ?
The problem I have with the Cayman Islands jurisdiction for banking is there is no "Deposit Insurance" ...which is shocking with so many hedge fund co's there......correct me if I am wrong.....

The advantage of the cayman's is it's one of the few jurisdictions with zero corporate taxes!
I am assuming this can't be arranged just walking into any branch. Is it usually through referal?
I don't know if it's possible through walking into a branch. Might be if you make a good enough impression, see the branch manager, and work your way up from there. The instances I've seen have been referrals, though.
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The problem I have with the Cayman Islands jurisdiction for banking is there is no "Deposit Insurance" ...which is shocking with so many hedge fund co's there......correct me if I am wrong.....

The advantage of the cayman's is it's one of the few jurisdictions with zero corporate taxes!
The hedge funds don’t hold money in retail bank accounts but prime brokerage investment banks on segregated accounts so don’t worry about them.
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