Well the mechanisms for achieving
anonymity are as following:
The ability to obscure identity is crucial for perpetrators desiring to commit illicit activity through the use of corporate vehicles. While each of the corporate vehicles described here[/b][/url] - provides some degree of "natural" anonymity to its beneficial owner, anonymity can be enhanced through the use of a variety of mechanims, such as bearer shares, nominee shareholders, and nominee directors. While these mechanisms were devised to serve legitimate purposes, they can also be misused to conceal the identity of the beneficial owners from the authorities. These instruments may also be used together to maximise anonymity. The risk posed by these mechanims have led some authorities and other parties to develop counter measures in the attempt to neutralise their ability to obscure identity.
The primary instruments used to achieve anonymity are as follows:
- Bearer shares
- Nominee shareholders
- Nominee directors and "corporate" directors
- Chains of corporate vehicles
- Intermediaries- company formation agents, trust companies, lawyers, trustees, and other professionals