Anonymous bank card with personal IBAN account number, QCKCard

hi you can try maybe viabuy
you order the card minimum first deposit is 90 EUR (you can do this after you have ordered the card online and received it)
the program is run by PPRO Financial Ltd (PPRO) licensed in UK
each card has its own unique IBAN and SWIFT (German IBAN & SWIFT/BIC DEKTDE7GXXX), so funds are not sent to an aggregated account when transferring
cards can be loaded by 3rd parties (not from your personal account and they accept from other companies funds – they will accept agreements, invoices etc as supporting documentation for incoming transfer just the first time that company sends the funds not on an ongoing basis)
the downside is the loading fees of 1.75% (but thats how they make their money)
more info in the terms & FAQ – Questions? Our service is here for you | VIABUY
An offshoot with higher limits of the same company is QCKCARD prepaid credit card with online IBAN account
Havent tried QCKCARD but have tried Viabuy and it works just fine
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I came here to confirm that QCK card, which is same as - or Platinum ATM Card prepaid MasterCard issuer, are the same group of people and they are scamming. After loading my card they do not respond to anything and of course the website is fake and my card doesn't work on any machine nor online with credit card payment methods.
They do a nice trick with sending you a plastic card and it all looks fairly real, but now that I cannot access my funds or get a response from this "company", I was able to even see all the clues that should have warned me before about this. I'm so mad to fall into this!
If you try to call them you just get the Barclays hotline which have no idea about QCK or PlatinumATMCard and they can't do anything with your details.

Could you provide some proof to this? If so admin should mark this as a scam and delete\change the title of this thread
Proof, and I can't be bothered uploading images so here is the raw data. Log in to my account at platinumatmcard (dot) com with the following credentials.
user: smakarac (at) hotmail(dot)com
pass: Peva8Naza
pin: 251271

The creditcard issued to me is:

It's all useless so I don't mind posting it online.
I got scammed by this as well, when you login to your account at Qck-card the balance is visible but the card is useless it doesn't work anywhere.

They appear to be running this operation from Czech Republic, this was where the card was sent from and the bank they use is based in the Czech Republic.

These are the IBANs
CZ27 2700 0000 0021 1437 2717
CZ27 2700 0000 0021 1437 27173

How are they managing to run such a scam without the bank shutting them down?

The London addresses and company numbers on the websites are all false with the company's numbers belonging to different company's.

Are all run my the same person.
Funny : and look similar websites.
How do you get all this info, what programme do you use?
How do you get all this info, what programme do you use?
There are a lot of online tools available to get you all that information, most often you can use Google or you simply use which provide excelent information when it comes to domain lookups. Just ask the genius guys at Rashal International LLC they are good in it (a*s hats), learn more here Anyone heard of IPayTotal?
Reactions: Sir Gelato
QCK card is a scam.

@Remy you should not link to scam site. Are you affiliated?
No, of course. I think you misunderstood my reaction. Seems even more obvious a scam when a shady website is just a copy than another shady website. Mohawk speaks in good terms of these sites, not me ! I even didn't know these before to read the thread !
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It's okay to link to a scam site if you mark it as a scam or comment about it. We all want to avoid websites like them.